Top 5 Plays – Week 235 by Protatomonster

top 5 plays

Greetings Summoners! We introduce to you Top 5 Plays Week 235 by Protatomonster In this daily top we introduce to you a Top 5 Plays, featuring some solo and team fight awesome plays. Check this out! [embedyt][/embedyt]

They are coming. Listen to their tale.

They are coming. Listen to their tale.

Greetings Summoners! Riot Games just published in their Facebook Page a new video teaser for “They Are Coming” and our next champion! [embedyt][/embedyt]   Here’s the story from the video: They are coming. Listen to their tale: [box type=”shadow” align=”alignleft” class=”” width=””] Wolf: Lamb, tell me a story! Lamb: There was once a pale man with […]

Champions Statistics Week 2 September – MEGA POST

Champs Statistics NA SoloQ Week 2 - September 2015

Greetings Summoners! We introduce to you the Champions Statistics NA SoloQ of the Second Week from September 2015. [divider style=”dashed” top=”20″ bottom=”20″] These are the most picked champions of this week (pick ratio per game): [one_fifth] Vayne 37.35% [/one_fifth] [one_fifth] Thresh 30.66% [/one_fifth] [one_fifth] Jinx 28.11% [/one_fifth] [one_fifth] Yasuo 25.47% [/one_fifth] [one_fifth_last] Lucian 23.40% [/one_fifth_last] […]

Champions and skins sale: [09.15 – 09.18]

Greetings Summoners! A new week started in the rift and Riot just revealed the Champions and Skins there are available for sale, so you can adquire them at a lower cost and improve your gameplay as well as you style! This champions and skins sale features Soulstealer Vladimir, a pretty sexy Akali in a nurse […]