Cloud9 parts ways with head coach Reapered

One of NA’s most iconic coaches is now available. After a tough 2020 LCS Summer Split, Cloud9 is letting go of the team’s longtime League of Legends head coach, Bok “Reapered” Han-gyu, the organization announced today. The 28-year-old joined C9 in 2016. He helped guide C9’s various rosters through multiple ups and downs, including a handful of […]

Cloud9 confirms that its League roster is staying together for 2021

Run it back. All five players on Cloud9’s League of Legends roster will be returning to the team next year, the organization announced in a postseason interview with popular streamer IWillDominate today. This was one of the most up and down years in recent memory for C9 fans. During the 2020 Spring Split, the team finally got the monkey […]

Bjergsen, Blaber, and CoreJJ are the last 3 candidates for 2020 LCS Summer Split MVP

Which NA star will pick up the MVP honors for the summer? The field of candidates for the 2020 LCS Summer Split MVP has been whittled down to three superstar players: TSM’s iconic mid laner Bjergsen, Cloud9’s fiery young jungler Blaber, and Team Liquid’s leading support CoreJJ. Golden Guardians’ jungler Closer and Liquid’s veteran mid […]

Death, taxes, and TSM vs. Cloud9: The next chapter in their perpetual rivalry

The LCS scriptwriters know what they’re doing. Throughout all the ups and downs of 2020, North American League of Legends fans probably didn’t think that they were going to see TSM face off against Cloud9 in the playoffs this year. Both teams were on opposite sides of fortune, with one squad struggling to find an identity while […]

Cloud9 sweep Evil Geniuses to move forward in the 2020 LCS Summer Playoffs

Another day, another North American fiesta. After three hectic matches, Cloud9 have kept their playoff and League of Legends World Championship dreams alive by sweeping Evil Geniuses out of the 2020 LCS Summer Playoffs. The entire series was bloody, with each side collecting several kills. The first game was especially messy; Evil Geniuses grabbed three Baron buffs […]

TSM dominate Cloud9, move into tie for second place in 2020 LCS Summer Split

TSM played at their ceiling today, and the LCS has been put on notice. Regardless of the inconsistencies that plagued TSM in 2020, they threw off those shackles today and reminded everyone what this roster can look like when it plays to its full potential during week eight of the LCS Summer Split with a […]

Golden Guardians upset Cloud9 in cohesive win during week 8 of 2020 LCS Summer Split

Everything is clicking at the right time for Golden Guardians. Golden Guardians beat Cloud9 at their own game today in a clean upset of the reigning champions during week eight of the 2020 League of Legends Summer Split. Golden Guardians have gotten Cloud9 comparisons all split, especially in recent games, due to their similarly aggressive, jungler-centric play. […]