The best marksman champions in League season 10

These are League of Legends’ top-tier ADCs for this season’s solo queue. Some champions in League of Legends are just flat-out stronger than others. For the marksmen and markswomen of League, or the ADCs, there are several types of champions to play. There are attack-speed-focused hyper carries like Jinx and Tristana, and then there are the face-melting high […]

Best Zyra build in League of Legends season 10

This is how you carry as support Zyra. Zyra is one of the best offensive supports to carry a League of Legends solo queue game. She punishes immobile champions and is a nuisance to deal with, even if she is behind. She scales well with Liandry’s Torment and Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, making her difficult to deal with […]

The best top lane champions in League’s Patch 10.18

These are League’s top-tier top laners for this season’s solo queue. There are a variety of League of Legends top laners that counter each other. Some vary in strength based on metas, others vary depending on matchups. For top laners, there are three archetypes of champions that fluctuate as the meta changes: hyper-carries, support-style champions, and split […]

The best support champions in League of Legends Patch 10.18

If you want to climb playing support, you need to pick up these champions. The support role in League of Legends can often be a thankless job. A good support can go by relatively unnoticed during the game, but playing poorly gets you ruthlessly flamed. The types of supports in League can be split into three categories: Enchanters, engagers, […]

Best Ornn build in League of Legends season 10

“A good axe will fell a tree. A great axe will fell an army.” Ornn is one of the champions who defined League of Legends season 10. He has an all-inclusive kit that has a slow, gap closer, game-changing ultimate, an AoE stun, and much more. One of his best features that makes him highly contested in […]

Best Ezreal build in League of Legends season 10

These items and runes are ideal for Ezreal. Ezreal is one of the most popular bottom laners in League of Legends season 10. He has a roughly weak early game since he needs a bit of time to scale and stack his Tear. Once he gets his core items of Manamune and Sheen, however, he can take […]

The best champions to help you climb the League solo queue ladder

Climbing wasn’t meant to be easy, but ace these champions and you’ll be rising up the ranks. For a lot of players, ranked can be a frustrating experience in League of Legends. Between the teammates who refuse to coordinate, the vastly different skill levels, and the odd smurf or two, you can sometimes feel like you’re going […]

The best support champions in League of Legends Patch 10.17

If you want to climb playing support, you need to pick up these champions. The support role in League of Legends can often be a thankless job. A good support can go by relatively unnoticed during the game, but playing poorly gets you ruthlessly flamed. The types of supports in League can be split into three categories: Enchanters, engagers, […]

The best top lane champions in League’s Patch 10.17

These are League’s top-tier top laners for this season’s solo queue. There are a variety of League of Legends top laners that counter each other. Some vary in strength based on metas, others vary depending on matchups. For top laners, there are three archetypes of champions that fluctuate as the meta changes: hyper-carries, support-style champions, and split […]

Riot breaks down Sona-Lux bot lane meta

The bottom lane has become popular in season 10. The bottom lane duo of Sona and Lux has become increasingly popular and has been seen in different tournaments all around the world. To break down the pairing, Riot Games have released a video on Sona and Lux, explaining why it works in season 10. Both […]