The PBE Has been updated! With the 8/10 PBE Update Cycle, we have two completely new skin lines to look at: the Crime City Nightmare and Phoenix skin lines! Let’s have a deeper look at the in-game model and splash arts. Keep in mind some of them are low resolution though.

8/10 PBE Update: Champion Skins

Crime City Nightmare Akali

Price: 1350 RP
“A loyal enforcer for the Graves family, Akali took the same deal everyone else did when the Mysterious Gentleman came calling. The power changed her, twisted her into something that hears a siren song echoing from beyond the veil of reality. Now she acts in ruthless, horrific violence, seeking an inscrutable ‘balance’ even she cannot name.”

Here’s Riot KateyKhaos with a bugs & feedback thread for Crime City Nightmare Akali:

Crime City Nightmare Darius

Price: 1350 RP
All Darius wanted was to secure a place for himself at the top of the underworld. Becoming Miss Fortune’s personal bodyguard was the first step, but the second was embracing the power of the Mysterious Gentleman: welcoming forces from beyond space and time that have molded him into something far more powerful than he could ever have imagined.”

Here’s Riot Dead Thief with a bugs & feedback thread for Crime City Nightmare Darius:

Crime City Nightmare Shaco

Price: 1350 RP
“Once a mere courier for the Twitch syndicate, Shaco is now barely human. The eldritch corruption has stripped him of reason and identity, turning him into a chittering horde of knife-wielding monsters that haunt the boroughs of Valoran City. None of them are sure which is the ‘real’ Shaco anymore. None of them care.”

Here’s Riot Dead Thief with a bugs & feedback thread for Crime City Nightmare Shaco:

Crime City Nightmare Twisted Fate

Price: 1350 RP
“No one knows if the Mysterious Gentleman is human or something else, but he has somehow injected himself into every crime family in Valoran City. With honeyed words and a conman’s grin, he convinced them all to embrace the horrors of the Beyond… Now the only thing to do is sit back and watch them tear each other apart.”

Here’s Riot Dead Thief with a bugs & feedback thread for Crime City Nightmare Twisted Fate:

Crime City Nightmare Zyra

Price: 1350 RP
“Zyra was once a longtime associate of Graves and a skilled con artist but grew dissatisfied with the monotony of a low-end criminal lifestyle. Seeing a way out, Zyra merged with the 4th-dimensional horrors from Beyond. She now follows the edicts of an alien power, ripping veins of sentient sludge from the earth and rending her enemies asunder.”

Here’s Riot Dead Thief with a bugs & feedback thread for Crime City Nightmare Zyra:

Divine Phoenix Anivia

Price: 1350 RP

Here’s Riot DW Platypus with a bugs & feedback thread for Divine Phoenix Anivia:

Graceful Phoenix Seraphine

Price: 1350 RP

Here’s Riot DW Platypus with a bugs & feedback thread for Graceful Phoenix Seraphine:

Brave Phoenix Xayah

Price: 1350 RP

Here’s Riot DW Platypus with a bugs & feedback thread for Brave Phoenix Xayah:

8/10 PBE Update: Chromas

Crime City Akali
[9 Chromas]

Crime City Darius
[9 Chromas]

Crime City Shaco
[9 Chromas]

Crime City Twisted Fate
[9 Chromas]

Crime City Zyra
[9 Chromas]

Divine Phoenix Anivia
[8 Chromas]

Graceful Phoenix Seraphine
[8 Chromas]

Brave Phoenix Xayah
[8 Chromas]

Summoner Icons

New summoner icons are now on the PBE!
Crime City Nightmare X Chroma Icon
This icon was acquired during the 2021 Coven event.

Moon, I Make A Wish Icon
Let’s make a wish with Ahri! Collective icon for 2021 Full Moon Event.

Phoenix Anivia Icon
This icon was acquired during the 2021 Coven event.


New emotes are now on the PBE!
Moon, I Make A Wish

Phoenix Anivia

Ward Skin 

A new ward is on the PBE!


The Crime City Graves splash art was updated on the PBE! This art was seen in Wild Rift (though slightly different), and will be updated with Patch 11.17!

Balance Changes


Fleet Footwork (Precision Keystone)

And that’s it! We hope you enjoy the new skins and balance changes as much as we are. For now, we have to wait and see what’s going to change on the PBE Realm. In the meantime, get to know about the recent changes from the current patch notes!

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