League of Legends is a constantly changing game, and with each new patch comes new champions and changes to the meta. To stay ahead of the competition, you need to know which champions are best suited for the current patch. This blog post will discuss the best champions to play in Patch 12.12. Remember that these picks may change as the meta shifts over time!

Top Lane:

The top lane is one of the most essential lanes in League of Legends. It’s where players can make a massive impact in the game by securing kills and objectives. To win in the top lane, you need to outplay your opponent and have a strong understanding of the champion you’re playing.

In the top lane, you want a champion that can withstand much punishment and still come out on top. Patch 12.12 is all about tanky top laners, so our pick for this patch is Maokai. Maokai has a lot of crowd control and can easily take down enemies with his ultimate ability. He’s also reasonably self-sufficient, so you won’t have to rely on your teammates as much to get kills.

In addition to Maokai, some of the best champions to play in the top lane for Patch 12.12 include:

-Shen: Shen is a great top laner because of his ability to survive in extended fights and his ultimate, which can turn the tide of battle.

-Malphite: Malphite is a tanky champion that can easily disrupt enemies and control the battlefield.

-Gnar: Gnar is a versatile top laner who excels at split pushing and team fighting.


The jungler also has a vital role in League of Legends. The Jungler is responsible for securing kills and objectives for their team, and they can significantly impact the game. To win in the jungle, you must be able to outplay your opponents and have a strong understanding of the champion you’re playing.

If you want to dominate the jungle in Patch 12.12, you need a champion that can clear camps quickly and efficiently. Our pick for this patch is Kha’Zix. Kha’Zix has high burst damage and can easily take down enemies with his ultimate ability. He’s also very mobile, so he can easily escape dangerous situations.

Along with Kha’Zix, some of the best champions to play in Jungle for Patch 12.12 include:

-Vi: Vi is an excellent Jungler because of her ability to quickly secure kills and her ultimate, which can devastate enemies.

-Jarvan IV: Jarvan IV is a tanky Jungler that can easily take down enemies and control the battlefield.

-Elise: Elise is a champion that excels at both assassination and team fighting.

Mid Lane:

The middle lane is one of the most important in League of Legends. This is because both teams need to control a critical area on the map to gain an advantage. The middle lane is also where most of the action happens, as it is home to some of the strongest champions in the game. In patch 12.12, a few champions stand out as being particularly strong in the middle lane.

In the mid-lane, you want a champion that can deal much damage and clear waves. In this patch, burst damage is king, so our pick for this patch is Ahri. Ahri has a strong ultimate ability to quickly take down enemies, and her kit allows her to escape dangerous situations. She’s also very versatile, so she can be played in multiple ways depending on the situation. She has strong wave clear, good poke, and excellent mobility. This makes her very difficult to deal with for most champions. In addition, Ahri’s ultimate allows her to quickly take down isolated targets.

Another strong champion in the middle lane is Syndra. Syndra is a potent mage that excels at taking down enemies from a distance. She has extreme burst damage and can easily take down squishy targets. In addition, Syndra’s ultimate gives her the ability to control an area of the map for a short time.

Finally, Xerath is a solid pick in the middle lane. Xerath is a long-range mage that excels at dealing damage from a distance. He has powerful wave clear and can easily take down enemy towers. In addition, Xerath’s ultimate gives him the ability to stun multiple enemies simultaneously.


The ADC role is essential in the bottom lane in League of Legends. They are responsible for dealing a lot of damage to the enemy team and helping to push down turrets, and securing Dragon kills.

The ADC role is all about dealing with consistent damage over time. In Patch 12.12, you want a champion that can kite well and has good poke. Our pick for this patch is Varus. Varus has long-range abilities that allow him to safely poke enemies, and his ultimate ability can easily take down enemies. He’s also reasonably self-sufficient, so you won’t have to rely on your teammates as much to get kills.

In addition to Varus, the other more vital picks are Ashe, Caitlyn, and Jhin. All of these champions have long-range poke and can kite well. Ashe and Caitlyn also have strong ultimate abilities that can easily defeat enemies. Jhin is more of a glass cannon but excels at taking down isolated targets.


The support is perhaps the least played but still very important in League of Legends. This is because they help keep their team alive and provide buffs and heals to ensure the team can function well. The role is all about being selfless and helping your team.

In the support role, you want a champion that can protect their ADC and has reasonable crowd control. Tanky supports continue to dominate the League, so our pick for this patch is Leona. Leona has a lot of crowd control and can easily take down enemies with her ultimate ability. She’s also very tanky, so she can easily absorb damage for her ADC.

Many other champions can also fill the tanky support roles, such as Maokai, Nautilus, and Alistar. These champions have good crowd control abilities that can easily disrupt enemies and allow your team to take them down.

If you’re looking for more damage-oriented support, then Zyra is a great pick. Zyra can quickly deal a lot of damage with her plants and has reasonable crowd control with her roots. She can also easily buff her ADC with her passive ability, making them even more substantial in fights.

Other damage-oriented supports include Brand and Veigar. These champions excel at dealing large amounts of burst damage to enemies, which can quickly turn the tide of a fight.


That’s our picks for the best champions to play in Patch 12.12! We hope you found this blog post helpful, and we wish you the best of luck in your future games! Until next time, game on!

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