CLG picks up Damonte for 2021 Summer Split

Tanner “Damonte” Damonte, a league of legends Esports player, will be starting for CLG this weekend as a midlaner. Damonte played consistently for teams like 100 Thieves and Dignitas. This information was shared by the official CLG Twitter account on July 13th.

Pobelter’s response and fans reaction

With Damonte starting as a midlaner this weekend, the opinions on Twitter split in two. On one side, a lot of people are happy for Damonte to be back in LCS, while others show genuine concern with CLG’s policy of benching players after a short-term bad result. In recent days, multiple people including ex-CLG coach xSojin have spoken up about issues surrounding CLG. A lot of the fans are worried, that the benching can happen again after another 0-3 week.

“MSG is the biggest problem with CLG

1. Support from MSG is always clunky and never clear

2. Some departments need to be expanded/re-worked to be clear on what they need from them

3. Players in constant fear for their jobs cause MSG one week can just request a roster swap”


“Love my Tanner boy but are we benching him too when we don’t “textbook 3-0” next week? Even if CLG somehow ends up on playoffs by the end of the season can we really consider it “strong” after this managing sh*t show?”

Fans on CLG’s Twitter post

As for Damonte, the 23-year-old will be making his 2021 Summer Split debut after leaving 100 Thieves in May. He’ll be kicking off the split this weekend with tough games against Team Liquid, Cloud9, and Immortals. Pobelter, on the other hand, has not said anything yet about his future in the league.

You can watch Damonte and CLG in action when the 2021 LCS Summer Split resumes on Friday, July 16.

If LEC is more your style, check out this interview with Elyoya from MAD Lions!

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