Doublelift in the TL’s roster for the NA LCS Finals

The AD Carry for the NA’s Team Liquid, Yilliang “Doublelift” Peng, will be in their starting roster for this weekend’s finals.  TL’s co-owner Steve “LiQuiD112” Arhancet posted the information on his twitter profile.

The Family Tragedy

This last Saturday, Yilliang’s older brother, Yihong Peng, committed murder. He stabbed his mother, who died not long afterwards, and his father, who was severely injured. Yilliang shared the news about this horrible event in a post on TwitLonger, stating the following:

This weekend I received some terrible news. My older brother attacked both of my parents with a knife. As a result of this attack, my mom passed away and my dad was seriously hurt and is now recovering in hospital.

I’m still processing this news and joining up with my dad and little brother to make sure they’re ok and the proper arrangements are being made. I’ll likely be quiet on social media while I work through this. I hope you all understand and support me as you always have in the past.

Doublelift has won the award of the player of the series in the semi-final match against Echo Fox, where his team successfully won with 3-1 in a series of Bo5. With his performance, he established himself as one of the best players in the North American League Championship Series. The quality of the finals, which is scheduled for the April 8 in Miami, depends a lot from his appearance.

Whatever he ends up doing, we respect his decision and wish him the best of luck.

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