Can Renata kill the entire enemy team with an Ultimate that doesn’t deal damage? can Renata steal the enemy dragon with her R? can you put samira’s ult against your team? Let’s find out!

We know Renata’s ult makes enemies attack each other, but how crazy can this R get? Thanks to the YouTube channel “Vandiril” we have the answers to some of the ideas that may occur to you when using her ultimate

In case you play lol and live under a rock and don’t know what Renata’s ult does, here’s a quick look at what it does:


Yes, renata could do things like what you are thinking. Against Renata your strongest allies will be your worst enemies…


Now, what if all of Renata’s enemies are champions with powerful basic attacks? yes, the answer is pretty obvious, it’s crazy and a really bad thing for the enemy team. Renata will make you think twice if you really want to pick Master Yi with her on the opposing team.


The question also arises, can we make enemies attack their own towers? Renata’s ultimate says enemies will attack the closest target, so let’s check it out


Okey, maybe it’s a bit disappointing that they don’t attack their own towers, but that would be too strong. So we all like to rob enemy camps, right? making the opponent lose gold and experience is always great. In monster camps where there is more than one monster, could we have them attack each other? It would be logical that yes, right? well you have to see it!


I suppose that since the camps are common enemies they are not enemies of Renata, you know what they say the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Well, now what about samira? think about it, her ult is basic attacking everything around her, i think it would be interesting to see it in action!


Hmm, not clear to me, but I hope not! I don’t want my samira with 23 kills to use her ultimate against my poor Janna. What is clear is that renata can make the minions attack each other or enemy champions


Well, speaking of minions. Will Renata be able to steal the dragon with the basic enemies? I mean, if she can draw a red or a blue, surely she can draw barons, dragons, or any other monster with the basic enemies, right?


There are still many more things to try with Renata’s ultimate! for now I leave it to your imagination what kind of crazy things can be done. Hopefully, when Renata comes out, we’ll see some weird and very useful stuff that we didn’t get to see during her time on PBE. With a community as big as League of Legends, it won’t be long before we find more crazy interactions! I hope this champion is fun for everyone… but it won’t be for her enemies…

Good luck have fun!

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