Greetings Summoners!

Kindred, the Eternal Hunters has been revealed.

Today Riot Games just revealed Kindred, our new champion.

We’re almost ready to breathe life into League’s next champion, a marksman designed for a life in the jungle. Kindred prowls through camps, marking enemy champions for death and permanently growing in strength if they’re able to carry out the promised sentence. But just as Kindred brings death, so can they delay it. Should their allies meet deadly force, Lamb – one of Kindred’s two spirits – can create a large blessed zone that, for a few valuable seconds, denies the ever-creeping and inevitable clutches of death.

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Passive: Mark of the Kindred




Q: Dance of Arrows




W: Wolf’s Frenzy




E: Mounting Dread




R: Lamb’s Respite


Skills Description:

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Works well with:

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Gragas – the Rabble Rouser

Aside from even more solid peel, Gragas provides plenty of knockups and slows to keep Kindred’s enemies in range of Wolf’s Frenzy. Even better, Gragas can use Explosive Cask to knock enemies out of Lamb’s Respite, denying them their temporal invulnerability and, with smart timing, even the ability’s heal.

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Alistar – the Minotaur

Kindred may jive with the jungle, but they’re still troubled by the same squishiness that perturbs traditional marksmen and need suitably beefy and peely allies to keep them safe. Enter Alistar. The big blue cow’s a perfect yin to Kindred’s yang, pulverizing and headbutting approaching enemies while The Eternal Hunters melts their enemies from range.

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Ashe – the Frost Archer

Utility is the name of the game when Ashe and Kindred take to the rift on the same team. With oodles of crowd control, the two can cover up for each others’ mistakes, misplays, and bad positioning. Enchanted Crystal Arrow is always a great initiation and lockdown tool, giving Kindred the time they need to set up Wolf’s Frenzy and get to killing. Finally, whenever Ashe gets herself in trouble, Kindred can keep her alive in fights with well-timed casts of Lamb’s Respite.


Struggles against:

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Lee Sin – the Blind Monk

Lee Sin, one of League’s strongest counter-junglers, has all the tools he needs to make Kindred’s life difficult. His duelling power will dissuade all but the strongest Kindred players from venturing into his jungle to clear Marked camps. But even if the Eternal Hunters decide to hunker down in their own jungle, Lee Sin is still both mobile and powerful enough to hunt the twin beasts down and claim a kill of his own. He’ll happily boot Kindred out of their own ult, too.

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Irelia – the Wild of the Blades

In teamfights, Kindred plays the role of a backline squishy, and as such relies on their team’s frontline to keep them safe from approaching fighters and tanks. Irelia presents a unique challenge, though: with her inherent tenacity, the Will of the Blades is relatively immune to peel, and will dive hard to claim her kills.

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Cassiopeia – the Serpent’s Embrace

Cass copes well against Kindred simply because she deals devastating amounts of both sustained and burst damage. This is, of course, most apparent during Lamb’s Respite. Cassiopeia will more than happily sit within the ult, sapping Kindred and their team of health with her poisons and Twin Fang, before using Petrifying Gaze to slaughter Kindred’s grouped allies.


The Voice

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To read more details about Kindred, the Eternal Hunters, visit the official page of this Champion Reveal.

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