Each of these awards were tightly contested this split.

With the 2020 LEC Summer Split regular season now well over, Riot Games revealed today the League of Legends player it has officially honored as the best rookie of the split, as well as the coach who earned the title of being the best in the league.

Labrov, the support player for Team Vitality, has been awarded the rookie of the split title. Despite only joining the team in May this year, Labrov had consistently spectacular performances in the LEC, making him a worthy winner of the top spot.

The hallmark of Labrov’s playstyle, and why he’s so worthy of winning this award, is in his proactivity in setting up for early ganks or creating objective-based map pressure. Because of his fearlessness in leaving his lane, Labrov finished with an astounding 80.3-percent kill participation during the entire Summer Split, the highest of all supports in the league.

Labrov finished with 95 points in the rookie voting poll. SK Gaming’s mid laner Zazee was closely behind him with 94 points. Another mid laner, Vitality’s Milica, came in third in the voting.

Perhaps a little unsurprisingly, the coach of the split award was given to Mac, the coach who helped guide MAD Lions to a top-two seed for the playoffs.

MAD Lions were a dominant force during the regular split. Beyond the fact that his team ended up finishing with a 12-6 record, Mac’s claim to the coach of the split title is further solidified because they did it all while also pioneering unique drafts and counter-strategies. League fans are aware of the strangely potent Senna and Wukong bot lane duo, for example, thanks to the creative minds over at MAD Lions that found such great success with this strategy.

Mac finished with the coach of the split title after having 98 votes cast in his favor. In second place, Fredy122, the coach of the regular split winning team Rogue, finished with 88 votes. In a respectable third place, Dylan Falco scored 55 votes for the amazing work he did in turning around Schalke’s tragic start of the season into a playoff-caliber team.

Last week, the LEC announced its three All-Pro teams, in which 15 players were awarded the recognition of the excellence they played with all split.

The LEC playoffs continue this week when MAD Lions face off against Schalke in the first series of the second round on Friday, Aug. 28.

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