Champion Sale


 RP icon 975 487

“My devices work best when they don’t work as intended… which is most of the time.” – EkkoSquare Ekko

A prodigy from the rough streets of Zaun, Ekko manipulates Chronobreak time to twist any situation to his advantage. Using his own invention, the Z-Drive Resonance Zero Drive, he explores the branching possibilities of reality to craft the perfect moment. Though he revels in this freedom, when there’s a threat to his friends he’ll do anything to defend them. To outsiders, Ekko seems to achieve the impossible the first time, every time.



 RP icon 880 440

“When a moth emerges from its chrysalis, does it remember its life as a caterpillar?” – OriannaSquare Orianna

Once a curious girl of flesh and blood, Orianna is now a technological marvel comprised entirely of clockwork. She became gravely ill after an accident in the lower districts of Zaun, and her failing body had to be replaced with exquisite artifice, piece by piece. Accompanied by the extraordinary brass orb that houses her hextech heart, Orianna is now free to explore the wonders of Piltover, and beyond.




 RP icon 880 440


ZiggsSquare Ziggs? Unpredictable, dangerous, yes yes. But quite brilliant!” – HeimerdingerSquare Heimerdinger

With a love of big bombs and short fuses, the yordle Ziggs is an explosive force of nature. As an inventor’s assistant in Piltover, he was bored by his predictable life and befriended a mad, blue-haired bomber named Jinx. After a wild night on the town, Ziggs took her advice and moved to Zaun, where he now explores his fascinations more freely, terrorizing the chem-barons and regular citizens alike in his never ending quest to blow stuff up.


aurelion sol

Aurelion Sol

 RP icon 975 438

“Cower. Worship. Marvel. They are all appropriate responses.” – Aurelion SolSquare Aurelion Sol

Aurelion Sol once graced the vast emptiness of the cosmos with celestial wonders of his own devising. Now, he is forced to wield his awesome power at the behest of a space-faring empire that tricked him into servitude. Desiring a return to his Starsurge star-forging ways, Aurelion Sol will drag the very stars from the sky, if he must, in order to regain his freedom.




 RP icon 790 316

House Crownguard Crest
“The light inside is what makes me different, and I’m always careful where I shine it.” – LuxSquare Lux

Luxanna Crownguard hails from Demacia, an insular realm where magical abilities are viewed with fear and suspicion. Able to bend light to her will, she grew up dreading discovery and exile, and was forced to keep her power secret in order to preserve her family’s noble status. Nonetheless, Lux’s optimism and resilience have led her to embrace her unique talents, and she now seeks to bring greater tolerance and understanding to her homeland.


Skin Sale

Pretty Kitty Rengar

Pretty Kitty Rengar

Pretty Kitty Rengar Chromas
Pretty Kitty Rengar Recall
Pretty Kitty Rengar Recall
Pretty Kitty Rengar Passive
Pretty Kitty Rengar Passive
Pretty Kitty Rengar Q
Pretty Kitty Rengar Q
Pretty Kitty Rengar Q Attacked
Pretty Kitty Rengar Q Attacked
Pretty Kitty Rengar W
Pretty Kitty Rengar W
Pretty Kitty Rengar E
Pretty Kitty Rengar E
Pretty Kitty Rengar R
Pretty Kitty Rengar R


“Prey on the weak and you may survive. Prey on the strong and you will truly live.” – RengarSquare Rengar

Rengar is a ferocious vastayan trophy hunter who lives for the thrill of tracking down and killing dangerous creatures. He scours the world for the most fearsome beasts he can find, especially seeking any trace of Kha'ZixSquare Kha’Zixthe Void creature who scratched out his eye. Rengar stalks his prey neither for food nor glory, but for the sheer beauty of the pursuit.

 Meowrick Chromas
Meowrick Chromas
Meowrick Recall
Meowrick Recall
Meowrick Q
Meowrick Q
Meowrick Q Release
Meowrick Q Release
Meowrick Q Effect
Meowrick Q Effect
Meowrick W
Meowrick W
Meowrick E
Meowrick E
Meowrick R
Meowrick R

“These isles… how they scream.” – YorickSquare Yorick

The last survivor of a long-forgotten religious order, Yorick is both blessed and cursed with power over the dead. Trapped on the Shadow Isles, his only companions are the rotting Shepherd of Souls corpses and shrieking Eulogy of the Isles spirits that he gathers to him. Yorick’s monstrous actions belie his noble purpose: to free his home from the curse of the Blade of the Ruined King item Ruination.

Odyssey Sona

Odyssey Sona

 RP icon 1350 810

Odyssey Sona Recall

Odyssey Sona Chroma 2 Front
Odyssey Sona Chroma 2 Front
Odyssey Sona Chrome 2 Back
Odyssey Sona Chrome 2 Back
Odyssey Sona Chroma 1 Front
Odyssey Sona Chroma 1 Front
Odyssey Sona Chroma 1 Back
Odyssey Sona Chroma 1 Back
Odyssey Sona Q
Odyssey Sona Q
Odyssey Sona W
Odyssey Sona W
Odyssey Sona E
Odyssey Sona E
Odyssey Sona R
Odyssey Sona R

“Her melody moves the soul, her silence sunders the body.” – SwainSquare Jericho Swain

Sona is Demacia’s foremost virtuoso of the stringed etwahl, speaking only through her graceful chords and vibrant arias. This genteel manner has endeared her to the highborn, though others suspect her spellbinding melodies to actually emanate magic—a Demacian taboo. Silent to outsiders but somehow understood by close companions, Sona plucks her harmonies not only to soothe injured allies, but also to strike down unsuspecting enemies.

Arctic Ops Gragas
Arctic Ops Gragas

RP icon 1350 675

Arctic Ops Gragas Recall
Arctic Ops Gragas Recall
Arctic Ops Gragas Q
Arctic Ops Gragas Q
Arctic Ops Gragas Q Activate
Arctic Ops Gragas Q Activate
Arctic Ops Gragas W
Arctic Ops Gragas W
Arctic Ops Gragas E
Arctic Ops Gragas E
Arctic Ops Gragas R
Arctic Ops Gragas R

Freljord Gragas
“Now this’ll put hair on your chest!” – GragasSquare Gragas

Equal parts jolly and imposing, Gragas is a massive, rowdy brewmaster on his own quest for the perfect pint of ale. Hailing from parts unknown, he now searches for rare ingredients among the unblemished wastes of the Freljord, trying each recipe as he goes. Often intoxicated and extremely impulsive, he is legendary for the brawls he starts, which often end in all-night parties and widespread property damage. Any appearance from Gragas must surely foreshadow drinking and destruction—in that order

Dark Star Jarvan IV
Dark Star Jarvan IV
RP icon 1350 675


Dark Star Jarvan IV Recall
Dark Star Jarvan IV Recall
Dark Star Jarvan IV Q
Dark Star Jarvan IV Q
Dark Star Jarvan IV W
Dark Star Jarvan IV W
Dark Star Jarvan IV E
Dark Star Jarvan IV E
Dark Star Jarvan IV R
Dark Star Jarvan IV R
House Lightshield Crest icon
“Words may make a ruler, but only actions make history.” – Jarvan IVSquare Jarvan IV

As the king’s only son, Prince Jarvan is heir apparent to the throne of Demacia. Raised to be a paragon of his nation’s greatest virtues, he is forced to balance the heavy expectations placed upon him with his own desire to prove himself on the battlefield. An exceptional warrior in his own right, Jarvan also inspires his troops with fearsome courage and selfless determination, raising his family’s colors high and revealing his true strength as a future leader of his people.

 RP icon 1350 675
“If you would shine like a sun, first you must burn like one.” – LeonaSquare Leona

Imbued with the fire of the sun, Leona is a warrior templar of the Locket of the Iron Solari item Solari who defends Mount Targon with her Zenith Blade Zenith Blade and Shield of Daybreak Shield of Daybreak. Her skin shimmers with starfire while her eyes burn with the power of the celestial Aspect within her. Armored in gold and bearing a terrible burden of ancient knowledge, Leona brings enlightenment to some, death to others.

 RP icon 1350 675
“Closer to the flower, closer to the thorns.” – ZyraSquare Zyra

Born in an ancient, sorcerous catastrophe, Zyra is the wrath of nature given form—an alluring hybrid of plant and human, kindling new life with every step. She views the many mortals of Valoran as little more than prey for her seeded progeny, and thinks nothing of slaying them with flurries of deadly spines. Though her true purpose has not been revealed, Zyra wanders the world, indulging her most primal urges to colonize, and strangle all other life from it.

 RP icon 1350 540


Blitzcrank is an enormous, near-indestructible steam golem originally built to dispose of hazardous waste in Zaun. Evolved beyond his primary purpose, Blitzcrank selflessly uses his strength and durability to protect others. Able to see past false veneers and artifice to the truth of an intention, Blitzcrank moves to help those in need.

 RP icon 975 487
“No human is perfect. But I am not a human” – KayleSquare Kayle

Born to a Targonian Aspect at the height of the Rune Wars, Kayle honored her mother’s legacy by fighting for justice on wings of divine flame. She and her twin sister Morgana were the protectors of Demacia for many years—until Kayle became disillusioned with the repeated failings of mortals, and abandoned this realm altogether. Still, legends are told of her punishing the unjust with her fiery swords, and many hope that she will one day return…

RP icon 975 487

“Pull the fur outta your earholes, Willump! This is gonna be the bestest story ever!” – NunuSquare Nunu

Once upon a time, there was a boy who wanted to prove he was a hero by slaying a fearsome monster—only to discover that the beast, a lonely and magical yeti, merely needed a friend. Bound together by ancient power and a shared love of snowballs, Nunu and Willump now ramble wildly across the Freljord, breathing life into imagined adventures. They hope that somewhere out there, they will find Nunu’s mother. If they can save her, maybe they will be heroes after all…

RP icon 975 438

“Prey on the weak and you may survive. Prey on the strong and you will truly live.” – RengarSquare Rengar

Rengar is a ferocious vastayan trophy hunter who lives for the thrill of tracking down and killing dangerous creatures. He scours the world for the most fearsome beasts he can find, especially seeking any trace of Kha'ZixSquare Kha’Zixthe Void creature who scratched out his eye. Rengar stalks his prey neither for food nor glory, but for the sheer beauty of the pursuit.

RP icon 975 390
Bilgewater Burning Tides A1P4
“I was cutting throats and sinking Noxian war galleys when you were still pissing your britches, boy. You don’t want to take me on.” – GangplankSquare Gangplank

As unpredictable as he is brutal, the dethroned reaver king Gangplank is feared far and wide. Once, he ruled the port city of Bilgewater, and while his reign is over, there are those who believe this has only made him more dangerous. Gangplank would see Bilgewater bathed in blood once more before letting someone else take it—and now with pistol, cutlass, and barrels of gunpowder, he is determined to reclaim what he has lost.

RP icon 520 260
“War is eternal… as am I.” – SionSquare Sion

A brutal warlord from a bygone era, Sion was revered in Noxus for choking the life out of a Demacian king with his bare hands—but, denied the peace of death, he was resurrected to serve his empire once more. His indiscriminate slaughter claims all who stand in his way, regardless of allegiance, proving he has retained little of his former humanity. With crude armor bolted onto his rotten flesh, Sion continues to charge into battle with reckless abandon, struggling to remember his true self between the swings of his mighty axe.

RP icon 520 208

House Crownguard Crest
“The light inside is what makes me different, and I’m always careful where I shine it.” – LuxSquare Lux

Luxanna Crownguard hails from Demacia, an insular realm where magical abilities are viewed with fear and suspicion. Able to bend light to her will, she grew up dreading discovery and exile, and was forced to keep her power secret in order to preserve her family’s noble status. Nonetheless, Lux’s optimism and resilience have led her to embrace her unique talents, and she now seeks to bring greater tolerance and understanding to her homeland.

RP icon 520 208

Crafted long ago as a plaything for a lonely prince, the enchanted marionette Shaco now delights in murder and mayhem. Corrupted by dark magic and the loss of his beloved charge, the once-kind puppet finds pleasure only in the misery of the poor souls he torments. He uses toys and simple tricks to deadly effect, finding the results of his bloody “games” hilarious—and for those who hear a dark chuckle in the dead of night, the Demon Jester may have marked them as his next plaything.

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