These updates are long overdue.

Three champions that have been in League of Legends since 2011 are set to receive visual updates in the upcoming Patch 10.18.

The goal of these updates to Nocturne, Viktor, and Malzahar, according to League visual effects lead artist Beardilocks, is to improve the overall gameplay clarity of VFX while bringing the champs up to modern League standards.

Here are the visual changes coming to Malzahar, Nocturne, and Viktor.


Riot has doubled down on the theme of Malzahar, making his abilities feel more attached to the Void. They have a clearer, modern purple hue, allowing you to become a master of the Void yourself.

Malzahar’s entire kit looks much clearer and should be better for opponents as well, who will be able to more easily read what the champ is doing.


Nocturne looks much more menacing thanks to this update. His passive received a great quality-of-life enhancement, showing the radius that he hits it with.

If you didn’t have enough nightmares already from solo queue Nocturne, then you should prepare yourself since they’ll be increasing tenfold after these changes go live.


Viktor received some amazing upgrades to his entire kit. The glorious evolution might have finally arrived for him. The E upgrade was long overdue considering how unclear the hitbox was before.

All of these changes should go live on the PBE in the next cycle for testing.

Patch 10.18 is scheduled to release two weeks from now, on Wednesday, Sept. 2, so these changes might not be finalized yet.

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