In the latest PBE patch that was on February 2nd. we finally got Renata Glasc to test.
Here is the full review of Renata Glasc on Patch 12.4.

Renata Glasc, the Chem-Baroness




Passive - Leverage
Passive – Leverage
Q - Handshake
Q – Handshake
W -  Bailout
W – Bailout
E - Loyalty Program
E – Loyalty Program
R - Hostile Takeover
R – Hostile Takeover

Renata Glasc Abilities Rundown Full Post!


Here’s Renata Glasc’s in client bio:
Renata Glasc rose from the ashes of her childhood home with nothing but her name and her parents’ alchemical research. In the decades since, she has become Zaun’s wealthiest chem-baron, a business magnate who built her power by tying everyone’s interests to her own. Work with her, and be rewarded beyond measure. Work against her, and live to regret it. But everyone comes to her side, eventually.

Did you tested her yet? Let us know in the comment section!

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