With the Sentinels of Light event going live, we thought it would be good to summarize all the content, information, and story progression in one post. Get some tea for yourself because this will be a big one!

Table of Contents

    Before Dawn | Sentinels of Light 2021 Cinematic

    To keep up the pace with the Sentinels story, check out this video

    Sentinels of Light 2021 FAQ

    For all the details on the Sentinels of Light event, check out the Event FAQ:

    The Sentinels have stood vigil against the Black Mist for a millennium, containing the corrupting clouds that threaten Runeterra’s shores with each new generation. But while time has depleted their ranks, their undying enemies on the Shadow Isles have only grown stronger. Now their hidden war has spilled from the shadows and floods across the continent, the unending waves of darkness heralding their final test. 

    The Ruined King has returned, and only the Sentinels can stop him.

    Come take the Oath of Light on July 8th, 2021 at 1:00 PM (PT), then battle Viego and his thralls until August 9th, 2021 at 11:59 PM (PT). Missions will start and stop on the same dates, but you’ll have until August 25th, 2021 at 1:00 PM (PT) to spend your Sentinels Tokens.”

    Here you can check out the information about Akshan, The Rogue Sentinel

    Sentinel and Ruined Champion Skins

    Ruined Pantheon

    Price: 1350 RP

    “The Mist did not just subsume Atreus, but also resurrected the long-dead spirit of Pantheon: the old Aspect of War himself. With Atreus’ stubborn defiance silenced, Pantheon can resume control and revel in battle once again. It doesn’t matter to him whose banner he fights under. If that banner is the Ruined King’s? So be it.”

    Ascended Pantheon Prestige Edition

    Price: 2000 Event Tokens

    “Pantheon was defeated once, but with all of Runeterra on the line now Atreus must defeat it himself. Seizing back control from the Aspect of War, Atreus harnesses the celestial power of Targon itself– briefly becoming not just a vessel or an Aspect, but something new. Something immensely powerful and entirely his own.”

    Sentinel Diana

    Price: 1350 RP

    “The Ruination of Targon and the loss of the Aspect of War devastated the Rakkor tribes. But the only way to fight an Aspect’s power is with another Aspect– and so Diana takes up her blade as a member of the Sentinels, knowing that Viego would destroy everything the moonlight touches.”

    Sentinel Irelia

    Price: 1350 RP

    Sentinel Olaf

    Price: 1350 RP

    “After a vicious encounter on the Freljordian front, Olaf is convinced to join the Sentinels to satiate his hunger for battle. Only then would he have the power to challenge Viego, the greatest threat the world has ever known, and satisfy his urge to fearlessly face death in glorious combat.”

    Sentinel Riven

    Price: 1350 RP

    “Riven joins the Sentinels hoping to atone for her role in the Noxian invasion of Ionia. After fighting her way out of a rapidly destabilizing Noxus Prime, she understands that her time may be fleeting. However, she believes her life is a small price to pay to make amends.”

    Sentinel Vayne

    Price: 1820 RP (legendary)

    “Ever striving to become a better monster hunter, Vayne joins the Sentinels primarily to advance her own arsenal and learn from their battle with the Black Mist. It doesn’t hurt that she is also defending Runeterra from evil, of course. If she must endure the friendship of a fool like Graves to do so, she will. The cause is worth it.”


    The following Chromas will be released in this patch:

    Sentinel Vayne

    Sentinel Irelia

    Sentinel Diana

    Sentinel Riven

    Sentinel Olaf

    Ruined Pantheon

    Ruined Draven, Shyvana, and Karma

    As well as tons of Summoner Icons, Emotes and Ward Skins!

    The Sentinels Initiative & Riot Games Social Impact Fund Purchases

    Sales of Sentinel Olaf and other promotional items in the store (marked by a fist bump logo) will be going to the Riot Games Social Impact Fund! Here’s more from the FAQ:


    Everyone’s favorite berserker is wielding his dual axes in the name of charity! From July 8–August 9, Riot will contribute 100% of proceeds from the Sentinel Olaf charity bundles and select related items (anything marked with a ♥!) to the Riot Games Social Impact Fund

    Players interested in maximizing the bang of their charitable buck should look no further than the Sentinel Olaf Charity All-Star Bundle, which can be purchased for 7130 RP and includes three emotes (Sentinel Crest, So Proud, and I Got You!), Olaf (the champion), and the Sentinel Olaf skin, along with all his chromas and the border icon!”

    You can also sign up for the Sentinel Initiative, for a chance for a charity you choose to be given 10,000$ in grant funding! Here’s more from the FAQ:

    “Being a Sentinel means standing against the darkness, any time, any place. If you’re ready to take the good fight to the real world, then come join the Sentinels Initiative! 

    Much like the Sentinels, we must always strive to light the way to a better future. By joining The Sentinels Initiative, our latest social impact campaign, you can nominate a cause and/or nonprofit for grant funding from the Riot Games Social Impact Fund. You’ll also have an opportunity to share why your cause or nonprofit matters to your community. Have a tale to tell? We want to hear it! More of a visual storyteller? Submit a picture or video! Every submission has the chance of inspiring more nominations, but the top 30 will also win a $10,000 grant from the Riot Games Social Impact Fund for their charity or cause! 

    So go here to sign up, choose your charity, and share your story!”

    With this much content, We hope you will enjoy this patch and jump into battle against the Ruined King!

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