Best Jungle Champions Tier List : League of Legends

Best Jungle Champions Tier List: Use these For Free Elo Junglers Some League of Legends champions is simply way better than others. For junglers when deciding which champions are better there are several considerations. The most critical and most obvious thing to look at is if the champion will be good at winking and either […]

Champion and Skin Sale [27.02 – 02.03]

Summoners in the period of 27.02 to 02.03 you will be able to extend your champions list and to get new skins for your Fiddlestick, Nunu and Shyvana. All this on 50% off from their actual price. Skins: Grungy Nunu 375RPSpectral Fiddlesticks 260RPIce Drake Shyvana 487RP Champions : Nami 487RPEzreal 440RPFiddlesticks 292RP Check the latest […]