This patch is definitely dominated by mage champions in the mid-lane. Champions like Syndra, Ahri, and Azir are able to dominate their opponents with their heavy burst damage. If you’re looking to play a mid-lane champion this patch, these are the champions you should be playing.

If you’re looking for a more tanky mid-lane champion, Swain is also a great pick. He’s able to deal a lot of damage while being fairly tanky himself. If you want to play a more aggressive style in the mid-lane, Fizz is also a great choice. He’s extremely mobile and can easily dodge enemy abilities.

These are just a few of the best mid-lane champions this patch. If you want to dominate your opponents in the mid-lane, make sure you pick one of these champions!


Syndra is an amazing champion and is definitely one of the best mid-laners in the game this patch. Her abilities are very strong, and she can easily take down enemies. Her Q ability, Dark Sphere, does a lot of damage and can be used to kill enemies easily. Her W ability, Force of Will, is also very powerful and can be used to protect herself and her allies. Lastly, her E ability, Scatter the Weak, is great for disabling enemies and making them vulnerable to attack. In addition to that, Syndra’s ultimate ability, Unleashed Power, is extremely powerful and can easily take down enemies. Overall, Syndra is a very strong champion and is definitely one of the best mid-laners in the game this patch.

Syndra has been a top pick in the mid-lane for many tournaments this season. Her unique kit allows her to easily bully other mids and control the game. Her ball mechanic is both fun and powerful, allowing her to easily burst down enemies. Additionally, her Zhonya’s Hourglass can easily save her from sticky situations. Overall, Syndra is a very versatile champion that can fit into many different team compositions.

Here are some tips for playing Syndra:

1. Make sure you use your abilities wisely. Syndra’s abilities are very powerful and can easily take down enemies. Make sure you use them at the right time to maximize their potential.

2. Use your Q ability, Dark Sphere, to bully your opponents in the mid-lane. It’s a very powerful ability and can easily take down enemies.

3. Use your W ability, Force of Will, to protect yourself and your allies. It’s a very powerful ability and can be used to save yourself and your allies from dangerous situations.

4. Use your E ability, Scatter the Weak, to disable enemies and make them vulnerable to attack. It’s a very powerful ability and can easily take down enemies.

5. Use your ultimate ability, Unleashed Power, to take down enemies. It’s an extremely powerful ability and can easily take down enemies.


Ahri is a champion that can easily take down enemies in the mid-lane. Her abilities, Charm, Fox-fire, and Spirit Rush allow her to easily stun, damage and dash away from enemies. This makes her a powerful opponent in the mid-lane and someone that can easily take down other champions.

Her abilities are:

Orb of Deception (Q): Ahri throws out and pulls back her orb, dealing magic damage on the way out and true damage on the way back.

Charm (W): Ahri sends out a fox-fire, which charms the first enemy it hits. This ability makes it easier for Ahri to land her other abilities and deal damage to the enemy.

Fox-fire (E): Ahri summons three fire spirits that orbit around her. These spirits will automatically target nearby enemies and deal damage to them.

Spirit Rush (Ultimate): Ahri dashes forward and damages all enemies in her path. She can also use this ability to dash through walls. This ability can be used up to three times in quick succession.

Ahri is the best this patch because of her great matchup against most champions, her strong laning phase, and her ability to easily assassinate enemies. She has a lot of crowd control abilities that make her very frustrating to play against, and she can easily take down enemies that are out of position. Ahri is also very good at kiting and avoiding damage, which makes her one of the best champions in the game. If you’re looking for a strong mid lane champion that can easily take down enemies, Ahri is the best pick this patch.

Tips for playing Ahri:

1. Use your abilities to easily stun, damage, and dash away from enemies.

2. Charm is a great ability that will make it easier for you to land your other abilities and deal damage to the enemy.

3. Fox-fire is a great ability for damaging multiple enemies at once.

4. Spirit Rush is an amazing ultimate ability that can easily take down enemies.

5. Use your orb of deception to farm safely and harass enemies in the mid lane


Azir is a good champion for the mid lane this patch. He has a lot of abilities that can help him win his lane. His Q ability lets him shoot out soldiers that can damage enemies and help him get closer to them. His W ability makes it so he can’t be hit by basic attacks, which is really helpful in the early game when enemy champions might try to kill him. And his E ability makes it so enemies can’t escape from him easily. His ultimate ability, R, is really good for team fights. It lets him summon a sandstorm that does damage to enemies and gives him a speed boost.

Azir is the best champion this patch because he has a lot of crowd control, which can easily shut down an opponent. Additionally, his soldiers provide great harassment in the lane and help him push towers quickly. Lastly, his ultimate can easily turn a team fight around if used correctly. All of these abilities together make Azir a really strong champion in the mid-lane. So if you’re looking for a good champion to play in the mid-lane this patch, Azir is definitely a great choice.

Tips for playing Azir:

1. Use your abilities to control the battlefield and push your enemies back.

2. Use your Q ability to shoot out soldiers that can help you damage enemies and get closer to them.

3. Use your W ability to make yourself immune to basic attacks and survive in the lane longer.

4. Use your E ability to keep enemies from escaping from you and to stun them.

5. Use your ultimate ability in team fights to deal a lot of damage and turn the tide of the battle in your favor.


Swain is a really good champion in the mid-lane this patch. His abilities are really helpful in fights and he can do a lot of damage. He has a lot of crowd control with his ult and his Q. He can also poke really well with his E and W. His kit is really strong overall, and he is a really good pick in the mid-lane.

His abilities are:

Q: Swain’s Q is a really strong ability. It does a lot of damage, and it also applies a DoT effect. This can be really helpful in fights as it can help you take down enemies quickly. It has a relatively short cooldown, so you can use it quite often.

W: Swain’s W is a great poking ability. It has a long-range, and it does decent damage. It also applies a slow effect, which can be really helpful in getting away from enemies or chasing them down. The cooldown is quite long though, so you need to use it wisely.

E: Swain’s E is another great poking ability. It has a long range, and it applies a Grievous Wounds effect to the target. This can be really helpful in fights as it reduces the healing that they receive. The cooldown is quite long, so you need to use it wisely.

R: Swain’s R is a great ultimate ability. It does a lot of damage, and it also applies a stun effect to the target. This can be really helpful in getting away from enemies or catching them off guard. The cooldown is quite long, so you need to use it wisely.

There’s no question that Swain is the best mid-laner in the game right now. He has great single-target damage, crowd control, and tankiness – making him a nightmare to deal with in lane. Plus, his ability to control the battlefield with his Ravenous Flock makes him an invaluable asset in team fights. If you want to win your games this patch, make sure to pick up Swain and dominate your opponents!

Some tips for playing Swain:

1. Use your Q ability to deal a lot of damage and apply a DoT effect to enemies.

2. Use your W ability to poke enemies from a safe distance and slow them down.

3. Use your E ability to reduce the healing that enemies receive and poke them from a safe distance.

4. Use your R ability in team fights to stun enemies and deal a lot of damage.


Fizz is a slippery mid-laner that can easily dodge enemies’ abilities and quickly close the gap to dish out damage. His abilities include Seastone Trident, which causes Fizz to deal magic damage and slow targets for a short duration, Playful / Trickster, which allows Fizz to dash a short distance and makes him immune to crowd control for a brief period of time. And Chum the Waters, which throws a fish that attaches to the first enemy it hits, dealing damage over time. Fizz is best played as an assassin in the mid lane and can easily take down enemies that are caught off guard.

His abilities in detail are:

Nimble Fighter: Fizz’s dexterity allows him to ignore unit collisions and take less damage from basic attacks.

Urchin Strike: Fizz dashes a fixed distance toward the target enemy, dealing physical damage on arrival.

Seastone Trident: Fizz’s auto-attacks deal bonus magic damage and apply a slowing effect to the target for a short duration.

Playful / Trickster: Fizz dashes a short distance and becomes immune to crowd control effects for a brief period of time.

Chum the Waters: Fizz throws out a fish that attaches to the first enemy it hits, dealing damage over time. The fish can also be used as a blink skill, allowing Fizz to quickly close the gap on enemies.

Fizz has been a top pick in the mid-lane this patch due to his strong abilities and scaling. He can easily take down enemies with his combos and can easily escape dangerous situations. Additionally, he can easily bait enemies into unfavorable team fights. His kit makes him a very strong laner and ganker, which is why he is often picked in the mid-lane.

Some tips for playing Fizz:

1. Use your Seastone Trident ability to deal a lot of damage and slow enemies down.

2. Use your Playful / Trickster ability to dash away from enemies or dodge their abilities.

3. Use your Chum the Waters ability to attach to enemies and deal damage over time.

4. Be sure to take advantage of your Nimble Fighter passive to avoid taking damage from enemies.


Do you agree with these picks? Let us know in the comments below!

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