There are a few viable top lane champions in the current meta, but the one that seems to be standing out the most is Vladimir. He has great sustain, high damage, and good crowd control, making him a threat in any matchup. Other top lane champions that are worth mentioning include Maokai, Renekton, Jax, and Kennen.


Maokai is a champion that excels at top lane. He has a lot of crowd control abilities that can easily disrupt enemies and control the battlefield. His saplings can be thrown out to damage enemies and slow them down, and his ultimate can rooting enemies in place and deal a lot of damage. Maokai is a great champion for top lane and can easily take down enemies with his crowd control abilities.

Maokai’s Q – Sapling Toss

Sapling Toss is Maokai’s bread and butter ability. It allows him to throw a sapling a long distance, which will then root the first enemy it hits and explode for damage. The saplings have a long cooldown, but they are very useful for zoning out enemies and controlling the battlefield.

Maokai’s W – Bramble Smash

Bramble Smash is a close range ability that deals damage and knocks back enemies. It’s great for getting enemies off of you or your teammates, and can also be used to set up kills.

Maokai’s E – Arcane Smash

Arcane Smash is another close range ability that deals damage and slows enemies. It’s a great way to catch up to enemies or slow them down so that your teammates can catch up.

Maokai’s R – Twilight Dawn

Twilight Dawn is Maokai’s ultimate ability. It causes him to roots all nearby enemies in place and deal damage over time. This ability is great for initiating fights or catching enemies off guard.

Maokai is the best this patch because of his ability to clear waves quickly and safely, as well as his potent crowd control. He excels in the top lane matchup against other tanks and can easily take down turrets. Additionally, he provides a lot of team fight utility with his area of effect root and massive damage ultimate. If you’re looking for a safe and reliable pick that can carry games, Maokai is the champion for you.

Some tips on how to play Maokai:

1. Sapling Toss is your bread and butter ability. Use it to zoning out enemies and controlling the battlefield.

2. Bramble Smash is great for getting enemies off of you or your teammates, and can also be used to set up kills.

3. Arcane Smash is a great way to catch up to enemies or slow them down so that your teammates can catch up.

4. Twilight Dawn is Maokai’s ultimate ability. Use it to initiate fights or catch enemies off guard.


Renekton is another top lane champion that is worth mentioning. He has a lot of damage and sustain, making him a threat in any matchup. His abilities allow him to easily close the gap on enemies and deal a lot of damage. He can also easily take down turrets, making him a great champion for split pushing.

Renekton’s Q – Cull the Meek

Cull the Meek is Renekton’s main damage ability. It deals damage to all enemies in front of him and heals for each enemy hit. This ability is great for clearing waves and dealing sustained damage to enemies.

Renekton’s W – Ruthless Predator

Ruthless Predator is Renekton’s main sustain ability. It deals damage and stuns enemies, while also healing Renekton for a large amount. This ability is great for staying in lane and dealing consistent damage to enemies.

Renekton’s E – Slice and Dice

Slice and Dice is an area of effect ability that deals damage and increases Renekton’s movement speed. It’s great for closing the gap on enemies or escaping from them.

Renekton’s R – Dominus

Dominus is Renekton’s ultimate ability. It deals damage and increases his size, health, and damage. This ability is great for initiating fights or dealing a lot of damage in a short period of time.

Renekton is a great champion for top lane because of his high damage and sustain. He can easily take down enemies with his abilities and can also easily take down turrets. Additionally, he provides a lot of team fight utility with his area of effect stun and massive damage ultimate. If you’re looking for a champion that can deal a lot of damage and tank hits, Renekton is the champion for you.

There are a few other champions that could potentially challenge Renekton for the title of best top laner this patch, but in my opinion, he is head and shoulders above the rest. So if you’re looking for a strong top laner who can carry games, Renekton is the champ for you.

Some tips on how to play Renekton:

1. Use Cull the Meek to clear waves and deal damage to enemies.

2. Use Ruthless Predator to stay healthy in lane and deal damage.

3. Use Slice and Dice to chase down enemies or escape from them.

4. Use Dominus to deal a lot of damage in a short period of time.


Jax is a melee champion that excels at dealing a lot of damage. He has a lot of sustain and can easily take down enemies with his abilities. He also has a great escape mechanism in his E – Leap Strike.

Jax’s Q – Leap Strike

Leap Strike is Jax’s main mobility ability. It deals damage and allows Jax to leap to an enemy, making it great for closing the gap on enemies or escaping from them.

Jax’s W – Empower

Empower is Jax’s main damage ability. It deals damage to all enemies around him and increases his attack speed for a short period of time. This ability is great for dealing a lot of damage in a short period of time.

Jax’s E – Counter Strike

Counter Strike is Jax’s main defensive ability. It causes Jax to dodge all incoming attacks and deal damage to all nearby enemies. This ability is great for dodging enemy abilities and retaliating with a huge amount of damage.

Jax’s R – Grandmaster’s Might

Grandmaster’s Might is Jax’s ultimate ability. It causes him to gain increased attack damage, armor, and health for a short period of time. This ability is great for initiating fights or tanking a lot of damage.

Jax is the best top lane champion this patch for a number of reasons. First, his kit provides a lot of harass and sustain in lane, which allows him to bully his opponents and stay healthy. Second, he has great waveclear and can easily take down towers. Third, he is very mobile and can easily escape or chase down enemies. Finally, his ultimate gives him a huge power spike that can easily turn the tide of a fight.

Some tips on how to play Jax:

1. Use Leap Strike to close the gap on enemies or escape from them.

2. Use Empower to deal a lot of damage in a short period of time.

3. Use Counter Strike to dodge enemy abilities and retaliating with a huge amount of damage.

4. Use Grandmaster’s Might to gain increased attack damage, armor, and health for a short period of time.

5. Use your ultimate to initiate fights or tank a lot of damage.


Kennen is a melee champion that excels at harassing enemies and dealing a lot of damage. He has a lot of sustain and can easily take down enemies with his abilities. He also has a great escape mechanism in his E – Electrical Surge.

Kennen’s Q – Thundering Shuriken

Thundering Shuriken is Kennen’s main damage ability. It deals damage to an enemy and also slows them for a short period of time. This ability is great for harassing enemies and slowing them down.

Kennen’s W – Electrical Surge

Electrical Surge is Kennen’s main utility ability. It grants him increased attack speed and allows him to stun enemies for a short period of time. This ability is great for setting up kills or disabling enemies.

Kennen’s E – Electrical Surge

Electrical Surge is Kennen’s main escape ability. It deals damage to all nearby enemies and grants Kennen increased movement speed for a short period of time. This ability is great for escaping from enemies or dealing damage to them.

Kennen’s R – Slicing Maelstrom

Slicing Maelstrom is Kennen’s ultimate ability. It causes Kennen to create a storm that deals damage to all nearby enemies. This ability is great for initiating fights or dealing a lot of damage in a short period of time.

In my opinion, the best top lane champion this patch is Kennen. He has a lot of crowd control and damage, and he can easily take down enemies with his ult. He’s also very mobile, which makes him hard to catch. Overall, I think he’s just a really strong champion that can easily take down enemies.

Some tips on how to play Kennen:

1. Use Thundering Shuriken to harass enemies and slow them down.

2. Use Electrical Surge to gain increased attack speed and stun enemies.

3. Use your ultimate to deal a lot of damage in a short period of time.

4. Use Electrical Surge to escape from enemies or deal damage to them.


Vladimir is a ranged champion that excels at harassing enemies and dealing a lot of damage. He has a lot of sustain and can easily take down enemies with his abilities. He also has a great escape mechanism in his E – Tides of Blood.

Vladimir’s Q – Sanguine Pool

Sanguine Pool is Vladimir’s main crowd control ability. It causes Vladimir to become immune to all damage and slow all nearby enemies for a short period of time. This ability is great for escaping from enemies or slowing them down.

Vladimir’s W – Transfusion

Transfusion is Vladimir’s main healing ability. It heals Vladimir for a percentage of the damage he deals and also damages nearby enemies. This ability is great for staying healthy in lane and dealing a lot of damage to enemies.

Vladimir’s E – Tides of Blood

Tides of Blood is Vladimir’s main damage ability. It causes Vladimir to deal damage to all nearby enemies and heal himself for a portion of the damage dealt. This ability is great for dealing a lot of damage in a short period of time.

Vladimir’s R – Hemoplague

Hemoplague is Vladimir’s ultimate ability. It causes a nearby enemy to become infected with a disease that deals damage over time and increases the damage they take from all sources. This ability is great for initiating fights or dealing a lot of damage in a short period of time.

Vladimir is the best this patch because he has a lot of crowd control and damage. He can easily take down enemies with his abilities, and he also has a great escape mechanism. He’s also very mobile, which makes him hard to catch. Overall, I think he’s just a really strong champion that can easily take down enemies.

Some tips on how to play Vladimir:

1. Use Sanguine Pool to crowd control enemies and slow them down.

2. Use Transfusion to heal yourself and damage enemies.

3. Use Tides of Blood to deal a lot of damage in a short period of time.

4. Use Hemoplague to initiate fights or deal a lot of damage in


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