There are many great support champions in League of Legends, but some are better suited for patch 12.13 than others. The best support champions for this patch include Braum, Thresh, Bard, Janna and Lulu.

Current meta

The current meta for League of Legends patch 12.13 is very fast-paced and aggressive. Support champions need to be able to defend their ADCs and, more often than not initiate team fights as well.

There are many champions that can be good in the League of Legends game. But some champions are better for this patch than others. Braum, Thresh, Bard, Janna, and Lulu are some of the best champions for this patch because they can protect their allies and also start team fights. They are also able to disrupt the enemy team’s plans and help their team to win.

These champions have a lot of crowd control abilities that can easily disrupt the enemies and stop them from doing what they want. They can also protect their allies from enemy attacks and help them survive. These champions are very versatile and can be played in different ways. They can be played aggressive or defensive, depending on the situation.


Braum is a champion in League of Legends that specializes in support. He has a lot of crowd control abilities that can easily disrupt enemies and protect allies. His passive ability, Concussive Blows, causes his basic attacks to stun enemies for a short duration. This makes it easy for him to stun enemies and set up allies for an easy kill.

Braum’s Q ability, Winter’s Wrath, damages and slows enemies in a cone in front of him. This ability is great for slowing down enemies and preventing them from escaping.

Braum’s W ability, Unbreakable, shields himself and any allies near him from taking damage. This is great for protecting allies from taking too much damage or being killed.

Braum’s E ability, Glacial Fissure, creates a large ice wall that slows and damages enemies that pass through it. This ability is great for separating enemies from each other or slowing them down so they can’t escape.

Braum’s ultimate ability, Concussive Blow, stuns all nearby enemies for a short duration. This is great for stunning enemies and setting up allies for an easy kill. Braum is a great support champion that can easily disrupt enemies and protect allies.

Braum is one of the best supports for this patch because of his Passive, Unbreakable. This makes him very tanky and allows him to stay in lane for a very long time. He can also use his shield to protect allies from damage, and his Q can stun enemies. Finally, his E allows him to chase down enemies easily or run away if needed. All of these abilities make him a very strong support and a great addition to any team.


Thresh is a support champion in League of Legends. He is a powerful and deadly adversary, able to manipulate the living and the dead to do his bidding. He is a skilled tactician and a cunning strategist, able to foresee the movements of his opponents and set traps to ensnare them. He is also a formidable fighter, able to take on enemies head-on or strike from the shadows.

Thresh is a fearsome opponent, and any who cross him do so at their own peril. He is a champion not to be underestimated, and those who underestimates him often find themselves in his trap. Thresh is a powerful support champion, able to turn the tide of battle in his team’s favor. He is a skilled tactician and strategist, able to make the most of his team’s strengths and weaknesses. Thresh is also a deadly fighter, capable of taking on enemies head-on or striking from the shadows. Any who face Thresh should beware, for they may well find themselves caught in his trap.

Thresh is one of the best supports in this patch because of his abilities to manipulate the battlefield and control his enemies. He can lantern allies to safety, pull enemies towards him, and create a zone of control that can easily turn the tide of a fight. He’s also one of the most versatile supports in the game, able to adapt to almost any situation. Whether you need a tanky support to soak up damage, or a high-damage dealer to take down targets quickly, Thresh can do it all. If you’re looking for a top-tier support who can make a huge impact in the game, then Thresh is the champion for you.


Bard is a support champion in League of Legends. He is a fairly new champion, and he is still being tweaked and changed by the developers. He has a fairly low win rate right now, but that may change as players learn how to better play him.

Bard is a very unique champion in that he has a number of abilities that allow him to manipulate the battlefield to his advantage. His passive ability, Traveler’s Call, causes him to spawn minions every time he kills an enemy unit. These minions can then be used to help Bard push or pull enemies around the map.

His other abilities include two crowd control abilities that can be used to disable enemies, as well as a powerful ultimate ability that can deal massive damage to enemies caught in its radius. Bard is definitely a champion worth learning if you want to be successful in League of Legends.

Bard is one of the best supports in this patch because of his amazing crowd control abilities. He can stun enemies, slow them down, and even silence them for a few crucial seconds. This makes him an invaluable ally in any battle. Plus, his passive ability allows him to heal and buff allies simply by being near them, making him a valuable addition to any team.


Janna is a champion that can be played in the support role in the game League of Legends. Janna is known for her crowd control abilities, which can easily disrupt enemies and protect allies. She is also able to shield her allies, which can help them survive in fights. Janna is a very versatile champion and can be used in many different ways depending on the situation. She is often picked by players who want to play a supportive role in the game. Janna is a very strong support champion and can easily make a difference in the game. If you are looking for a champion to play in the support role, then Janna may be the perfect choice for you.

Janna is one of the best supports champion in this patch because of her abilities to protect and buff allies while simultaneously disrupting enemies. She can also shield allies from incoming damage, which makes her an essential part of any team. Additionally, Janna’s crowd control abilities can easily turn the tide of a fight in favor of her team. Overall, Janna is an extremely versatile and powerful support champion that any team would be lucky to have.


Lulu is a support champion in League of Legends. She is a very versatile champion, with abilities that can be used in many different ways depending on the situation. Her ultimate ability, Wish, can be used to heal allies or damage enemies, making her a powerful asset in any team fight. Her other abilities include polymorph, which turns enemies into harmless animals; shielding allies; and slowing enemies. Lulu is a well-rounded champion who can fill many different roles in a team, making her a valuable ally on the battlefield.

Lulu is one of the best supports in this patch because of her kit. Her Q provides utility and damage, her W allows for amazing poke and disengage potential, her E gives her a strong initiate and team fight presence, and her ultimate can turn around any fight. Combined with an amazing laning phase, Lulu makes an incredible support pick.

Lulu’s Q, Glitterlance, provides amazing utility and damage. It can be used to poke enemies, set up kills, or even just last hit minions. Her W, Whimsy, is an incredible poking tool. It can be used to disengage from fights or to engage with enemies. Her E, Help, Pix!, is a great initiating tool. It allows her to start fights or to peel for her teammates. Finally, her ultimate, Wild Growth, is an amazing team fight tool. It can turn around any fight and help her team secure a victory. >Mention at least one other champion that works well with Lulu


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