Thebausffs, a popular twitch streamer, famous for his high-challenger lethality Sion, will be joining Sjokz on the analyst desk and cast together with Daniel Drakos and Caedrel on Friday. It was announced on LEC’s official Twitter account. The LEC fans’ reaction is very positive towards this announcement because for the last 2 years Thebausffs was a key figure in the EU Twitch streaming community.

After the LEC Twitter account tweet that Thebaus will join @sjokz on the Analyst Desk all weekend and cast together with @DanielDrakos and @Caedrel on Friday, the pro players publicly spoke out against it.

Promisq tweeted: “What a slap in the face to any upcoming/aspiring caster/analyst etc to invite a twitch streamer that has zero competitive experience to analyze games on the LEC XD haha just yoking guys so funny memes ^ LOL”

Upset replayed: “haha I am griefing guys look I got the wave I am 0/14 lmao can’t get banned cause I am a streamer funny yokes hihi”

Both tweets are deleted already.

Thebausffs is a multi-year challenger player in the EU, held in the top 10 players for the whole year of 2018 ranked season, and is known for his unique playstyle on champions like Sion and Gragas. He never tilts, flames, or smurfs, which makes him the ideal SoloQ player. On January 9th Thebausffs joined as substitute toplaner for G2 and was a sub for the org for the remainder of the year.

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