This or That is back with CaptainFlowers and Jatt, who is filling in for Kobe this week. They’ll be dueling it out over all things Worlds 2019

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This or That  What would you rather see
This or That  What would you rather see

As for me, I would love to see my favorite team wins. Why? because i don’t have any teams in the Worlds that I hate. They are all pro’s with different types of playstyles.

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This or That Best Thing about Intenational Competition
This or That Best Thing about Intenational Competition

As for me, the best thing about international competition is both of it.
Why? trash talk is one of the best ways to see how the player reacts to each enemy and you can see their expression and fighting spirit in that.
It also heats the competition and you just think of what happens in the gameplay.
Additionally, the gameplay is one by foremost important thing because when trash talk is done the gameplay happens and you can watch or learn some cool stuff.
You can also see the audience reaction when something cool is happening in the summoners rift.

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This or That Will SKT make Finals
This or That Will SKT make Finals

Will SKT make Finals?
definitely yes.
I’m sure that they will come back to win the trophy as from their team synergy with Clid and Peanut.
As you can see they won the LCK that is definitely what comeback means.
They can do it too in Worlds.
Well, Faker is not like how he played before because he pursued to be in a team fight like some support time of player.
In the past, faker plays solo in SKT but with tons of amazing highlights.
They will definitely get to the finals.
Who will win worlds? I don’t know it too.

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This or That Who will Go Further
This or That Who will Go Further

This or That Who will Go Further I think it’s Team Liquid or C9.
Cloud9 has the most international success but, Team Liquid beat IG 3-1.
I’m just hoping a battle between SKT and Team Liquid.
I don’t have much information between this team so let me know in the comment box what you think about it.

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