1. Bard Jungle/Top

Bard is a support that can also easily lane in an off-meta role as a jungler or top laner. As Bard, your goal is to provide allies with powerful crowd control effects and healing through your chimes. Your ultimate, Cosmic Binding, can easily disrupt enemies and set up kills for your teammates. In the late game, you can use your Ultimate to easily take down towers.

In the jungle, Bard’s biggest strength is his ganking potential. His Meeps can easily disrupt enemies, and his Cosmic Binding can set up kills for your teammates. In the late game, you can use your Ultimate to easily take down towers.

Top lane Bard is a fairly uncommon pick, but he can be played there effectively. He has good sustain with his Caretaker’s Shrine and can easily disrupt enemies with his Cosmic Binding.

2. Ekko Jungle/Mid/Top

Ekko is a versatile AP champion that can be played in the jungle, mid lane, or even top lane. He is a strong ganker and can easily take down enemies with his ultimate. He also has a strong presence in teamfights thanks to his Time Bomb ability.

Ekko is a powerful ganker thanks to his ultimate, Chronobreak. This ability allows him to teleport to a nearby location and deal damage to enemies in the area. Ekko can also use this ability to escape from sticky situations. Additionally, his Time Bomb ability gives him a lot of control in teamfights. Time Bomb can be used to damage and slow enemies, or it can be placed on an ally to shield them from incoming damage. Ekko’s kit makes him a very strong and versatile champion that can be played in multiple ways.

If you’re looking for a strong AP champion that can be played in multiple ways, Ekko is a great choice. He’s a lot of fun to play and can easily take down enemies with his ultimate and Time Bomb ability.

3. Irelia Jungle/Mid

Irelia is a top lane champion that can also be played effectively in the jungle or mid-lane. Irelia has a very strong early game, making her a great choice for jungle or mid lane. However, Irelia can be quite difficult to play and requires a lot of practice to master.

Irelia’s main strengths are her high burst damage and her ability to quickly close the gap between herself and her enemies. Irelia is extremely dangerous in 1v1 situations and can easily take down even the tankiest of foes. Her ultimate ability, Transcendent Blades, allows her to deal massive amounts of damage in a short period of time, making her a very threatening presence on the battlefield.

Although Irelia is incredibly powerful, she does have some weaknesses. Firstly, Irelia is very reliant on her auto-attacks to deal damage and can be easily kited by ranged champions. Secondly, Irelia can be quite mana-hungry, especially early on in the game. As such, it is important to manage your mana usage carefully when playing Irelia.

Overall, Irelia is a very strong champion that excels in 1v1 situations. She is a great choice for jungle or mid-lane and can easily take down even the tankiest of foes. However, Irelia can be quite difficult to play and requires a lot of practice to master. If you are looking for a challenging champion to play, then Irelia is definitely the one for you!

4. Jhin Mid/Support

Jhin is an ADC that can also be played in an off-meta role as a support or mid lane. He is a well-rounded champion with a strong kit that offers a lot of utility and damage.

In the mid-lane, Jhin can be a strong poke champion with his Q and W abilities. His Q, Dancing Grenade, fires four bullets that deal damage and apply on-hit effects. His W, Deadly Flourish, is a long-range skillshot that roots and slows the first enemy hit and then damages enemies in a line. Jhin’s E, Captive Audience, places traps around him that deal damage and root enemies that step on them. And his ultimate ability, Curtain Call, fires four super shots at extreme range that pierce through minions and monsters.

Jhin can also be played as a support. In this role, he excels at setting up kills with his long-range CC abilities. His Q and W can be used to poke and zone enemies, while his E can be used to set up traps and vision. And his ultimate can be used to pick off low-health enemies or to finish off a fleeing enemy.

Jhin is a strong champion in both the mid-lane and support role. He has a well-rounded kit with a lot of utility and damage. If you’re looking for a champion that can deal a lot of damage and offer a lot of crowd control, then Jhin is the champion for you.

5. Kayle Top/Jungle/Mid

Kayle is a versatile champion that can be played in the top lane, jungle, or mid lane. She is a strong laner with a good amount of crowd control and damage. Her ultimate can be used to turn the tide of a teamfight or to save an ally from certain death.

In the top lane, Kayle can hold her own against most opponents. She has a good mix of damage and crowd control that can make it difficult for enemies to trade with her. Her ultimate can also be used to save an ally who is being focused on by the enemy team.

In the jungle, Kayle has good clear and can easily take down most camps. She can also gank effectively with her crowd control and damage. Her ultimate can be used to save an ally who is being chased by the enemy team or to turn the tide of a teamfight.

In the mid lane, Kayle is a strong laner with a good amount of damage and crowd control. Her ultimate can be used to save an ally who is being focused by the enemy team or to turn the tide of a teamfight.

6. Master Yi Top/ADC

Master Yi is a jungler that can also be played in an off-meta role as a top laner or ADC. He is a melee champion that dishes out huge amounts of physical damage with his auto-attacks and abilities. He is also a very mobile champion, able to quickly close the gap on enemies or escape from danger with his Alpha Strike ability.

In the top lane, Master Yi can be played as a solo laner or in a duo lane. He is a fairly standard farm-and-poke type of champion, using his auto-attacks and abilities to harass enemies and whittle them down before going in for the kill. He can be quite vulnerable to ganks due to his lack of crowd control, so it’s important to keep track of the enemy jungler’s position.

As an ADC, Master Yi excels at kiting and auto-attacking enemies. He can use his Alpha Strike to quickly close the gap on enemies or to escape from danger. He doesn’t have much in the way of hard crowd control, so he can be easily kited by champions with slows or stuns. It’s important to play safe and keep your distance from enemies when playing as Master Yi ADC.

When playing Master Yi, it’s important to keep track of your cooldowns and use them wisely. His Q, Wuju Style, provides a massive damage boost when activated, so it’s important to use it before going in for a kill. His W, Meditate, is a great tool for escaping from danger or surviving in a teamfight. And his E, Highlander, provides a massive speed boost and makes him immune to crowd control. Use it wisely to either catch up to enemies or escape from them.

Master Yi is a fairly easy champion to play, but he requires good timing and positioning to be truly effective. If you can master his cooldowns and use his abilities wisely, you’ll be a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

7. Olaf Top/Mid

Olaf is a jungler that can also be played well in the top lane or mid lane. He is a very aggressive champion that uses his abilities to get in close and deal a lot of damage. He is a great pick against champions that are easy to kite or don’t have a lot of mobility.

In the top lane, Olaf can be a great bully. He has the ability to trade very well with most champions thanks to his high damage and sustain from his Q. Olaf can also easily all in most champions and come out ahead due to his ultimate, which makes him immune to crowd control.

In the mid lane, Olaf is a great pick against immobile champions. He can easily get in close and deal a lot of damage with his abilities. His ultimate also allows him to escape any sticky situations he may find himself in.

Overall, Olaf is a great pick in either the top or mid lane. He is a very strong champion that can easily take down most opponents.

8. Quinn Jungle/Mid

Quinn is a top lane champion that can also be played effectively in the jungle or mid-lane. Quinn is a high burst damage dealer with great mobility. She excels at taking down isolated targets and can easily take down squishy targets. Quinn is also a very good asset in teamfights, thanks to her ult, which allows her to easily take down multiple targets.

In the Jungle, Quinn can clear camps easily and gank thanks to her high mobility effectively. She can also take down isolated targets very easily. In teamfights, Quinn’s ult can be very effective in taking down multiple targets.

In the Mid lane, Quinn can use her high burst damage and mobility to take down squishy targets easily. She can also roam around the map and help out her team with ganks. In teamfights, Quinn’s ult can be very effective in taking down multiple targets.

Quinn is a very versatile champion that can be played in many different ways. She is a great asset in any team thanks to her high burst damage, mobility, and ult.

9. Renekton Jungle/ADC

Renekton is a top lane champion that can also be played as a jungler or off-meta ADC. He has a lot of potential in the early game with his strong engage and damage. However, he falls off a bit in the late game.

In the Jungle, Renekton can be a very effective ganker. He has a lot of burst damage and can easily take down squishy targets. His ultimate, Dominus, also provides him with a lot of sustain in fights. However, he does not have much CC, so he may struggle against tanky targets.

As an ADC, Renekton can be quite strong in the early game. He has high damage and can easily kill squishy targets. However, he is very vulnerable to being kited and doesn’t have much escape. He also falls off hard in the late game.

Overall, Renekton is a strong champion in the early game but falls off a bit in the late game. He is best played as a jungler or ADC.

10. Yasuo Top/Jungle

Yasuo is a mid lane champion that can also be played effectively in the top lane or jungle. He is a highly mobile champion that excels at dashing in and out of combat to deal quick bursts of damage. Yasuo is very strong in the early game and can easily take down enemies with his high damage output. However, he falls off slightly in the late game and is best played as a split pusher or roamer.

In the Top lane, Yasuo is most effective when played against champions that are melee or have low mobility. He can easily kite them with his high movement speed and dash abilities. Yasuo is also very strong in 1v1 duels and can easily take down most top lane champions. However, he does have some weakness against long range poke and champions with high burst damage.

In the Jungle, Yasuo can be a very effective ganker with his high mobility and dashing abilities. He can easily get around the map and gank enemy lanes with ease. However, Yasuo does require a lot of farm to be effective and can sometimes fall behind if he doesn’t get enough kills or assists.

Yasuo is a very strong champion in both the top lane and jungle. He is extremely mobile and can easily get around the map to gank or take down enemies. However, he does require a lot of farm to be effective and can sometimes fall behind if he doesn’t get enough kills or assists.

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