Taking A Close Look At The Best Mid Laners In 12.13

This patch is definitely dominated by mage champions in the mid-lane. Champions like Syndra, Ahri, and Azir are able to dominate their opponents with their heavy burst damage. If you’re looking to play a mid-lane champion this patch, these are the champions you should be playing. If you’re looking for a more tanky mid-lane champion, […]

Taking A Close Look At The Best Junglers In 12.13

The best jungle champions in this patch are Elise, Kindred, and Master Yi. Elise is great for her strong crowd control and ability to easily take down enemies, while Kindred is perfect for those who want to play aggressively and take down enemies quickly. Master Yi is a great pick for those who want to […]

Taking A Close Look At The Best Top Laners In 12.13

There are a few viable top lane champions in the current meta, but the one that seems to be standing out the most is Vladimir. He has great sustain, high damage, and good crowd control, making him a threat in any matchup. Other top lane champions that are worth mentioning include Maokai, Renekton, Jax, and […]