Champion and Skin sale 20.02 – 23.02

Greeting summoners! From tommorow 20 February till 23 February you will be able to get 3 new champions and 3 different skins for 50% of their actual prize. Let’s start with the champions. In this period of three days you can buy Nocturne for 440RP, Veigar for 292RP, Lissandra for 487RP. Don’t forget the skins […]

New Buffs Coming Soon -Targeting: Jungle Tanks and Azir | Veigar changes 5.4 included too

In one post this morning the well known website surrenderat20 posted the answers given from Meddler who is the lead champion designer for Riot Games and League of Legends, about the possibility of buffing the tanky junglers champions,  potential buffs on Azir and, the changes made on Veigar in this new 5.4 patch. We’re aiming to buff a number […]

“Wonder Above” story for the newest upcoming champion from Riot

There’s a new story named “Wonder Above” and it is for the upcoming new champion from Riot. CHECK THE TEASER HERE Stories are not just history. They can be so much more. They nourish your mind and, if told well, can even fill your belly. Some tales are warnings, reaching across time. Others uplift the […]

It’s Tuesday so, here comes the new weekly champion rotation. CHECK, CHECK, CHECK !

Hello there. NEW WEEK, NEW TUESDAY AND NEW CHAMPIONS YOU CAN PLAY WITH. As it’s written in the describtion of this post, it’s Tuesday and that means there are new champions available, champions which are free to play till the next Tuesday. This champion rotation contains Heimerdinger, Sivir, Gangplank, Malhazar, Miss Fortune, Lulu, Kennen, Jarvan […]

It’s Tuesday so, here comes the new weekly champion rotation. CHECK, CHECK, CHECK !

Hello there. NEW WEEK, NEW TUESDAY AND NEW CHAMPIONS YOU CAN PLAY WITH. As it’s written in the describtion of this post, it’s Tuesday and that means there are new champions available, champions which are free to play till the next Tuesday. This champion rotation contains Heimerdinger, Sivir, Gangplank, Malhazar, Miss Fortune, Lulu, Kennen, Jarvan […]

New Champion and Skin sale 10.02 – 13.02

Greatings summoners. Starting from today Tuesday 10.02 you will have the unique possibility of getting a new champion to your list, and in the same time getting your champion a new look by buying one of the three skins that would be on 50% off their regular price till Friday 13.02. Now you can get Olaf, […]

New Champion and Skin sale 10.02 – 13.02

Greatings summoners. Starting from today Tuesday 10.02 you will have the unique possibility of getting a new champion to your list, and in the same time getting your champion a new look by buying one of the three skins that would be on 50% off their regular price till Friday 13.02. Now you can get Olaf, […]

Introducing Zed, The Master of Shadows

Hello again Summoners. Today we are introducing the master of blades and one of the few true ninjas in the whole League of Legends game ZED. Zed is a mele champion who’s known by his abilities to deal tons of damage with his shadows.  Using his ability to engage enemy champions from almost impossible situations, […]

Introducing Zed, The Master of Shadows

Hello again Summoners. Today we are introducing the master of blades and one of the few true ninjas in the whole League of Legends game ZED. Zed is a mele champion who’s known by his abilities to deal tons of damage with his shadows.  Using his ability to engage enemy champions from almost impossible situations, […]

Refer a friend and get 1000 IP whenever he/she reaches level 10

Hello Summoners! From 5 days ago you have the unique possibility of inviting your friends to the League of Legends game. Just by naming one or more acquaintances you can earn quite interesting awards. Riot is giving you the possibility to get 1000 IP whenever your friend that you’ve referred reaches level 10 on his […]