Here’s one of the best builds for Urgot in season 10.

Since his rework in 2017, Urgot has remained a strong top lane pick. Due to the champion’s kit accompanied with his ranged attacks, the Dreadnought is powerful against many of the popular top lane melee champions.

As with all League of Legends champions, Urgot will utilize different items depending on the situation the champion is in throughout the game. Despite this, there are many items that are beneficial in ensuring success with the champion.


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Press the Attack: A ranged champion like Urgot can take advantage of this rune during the laning phase especially when they are facing melee champions. When Urgot lands three consecutive basic attacks on an enemy champion, they will take bonus damage and become vulnerable, seeing basic attacks do bonus damage for a short amount of time afterwards.

Triumph: As a popular rune choice in the top lane, Triumph will allow Urgot to remain in the lane after securing takedowns on enemies. The rune will restore 12 percent of his health and grants 20 extra gold for kills or assists onto enemy champions.

Legend: Tenacity: Chasing down enemies or escaping fights will be made easier with the use of this rune. Legend: Tenacity allows Urgot to slowly build up stacks that will grant the champion extra Tenacity, which reduces the effects of crowd control abilities.

Last Stand: Winning close fights is going to be extremely important especially early in the game to ensure Urgot and his team are in the best position to win the game. Last Stand will help Urgot achieve this by granting him bonus damage as his health is reduced, making him more dangerous while he is damaged.


Bone Plating: This rune is going to increase Urgot’s durability. Once he takes damage from an enemy champion, the next three abilities or attacks will do reduced damage to Urgot.

Overgrowth: Overgrowth is another great rune for adding durability. This rune grants Urgot extra health as enemy minions or monsters are killed near him. At 120 health, Urgot will gain an additional 3.5 percent max health.

Bonuses: +9 adaptive force, +9 adaptive force, +6 armor

Starting items

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Doran’s Blade

Early damage is going to help Urgot drastically in getting a leg up over his opponent. Since his kit is ranged and Urgot can steadily poke down his opponents, the extra damage provided by Doran’s Sword is going to give the champion a good start to his laning phase.

Health Potion

As with most top lane champions, ensuring you are properly equipped to survive in the lane alone to build up gold and keep the pressure on the enemy is going to be paramount to success. Health potions allow Urgot to heal 150 points to sustain through combat with enemy or minion damage. Because of this, the player can remain in lane and have the confidence to lay down early damage on the enemy champion in the top lane knowing they have a way to heal without heading back to base.

Core items

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Black Cleaver

One of Urgot’s stats that needs to be greatly increased from its initial value is his health. Building a Black Cleaver is going to give Urgot 400 bonus health as well as 40 attack damage and 20-percent cooldown reduction. This item pairs perfectly with Urgot’s kit, since his abilities scale from attack damage and having the bonus cooldown reduction will allow the champion to aggressively pursue enemies.

Additionally, this item has two passives that can dramatically assist Urgot. The first passive will reduce the effects of an enemy’s armor for a short amount of time after Urgot deals physical damage to them. The other will grant Urgot bonus movement speed after he damages an enemy champion, assisting him in chasing down and securing the takedown.

Death’s Dance

Adding to Urgot’s durability is a great way to make the most of the champion’s kit. Death’s Dance is going to greatly increase these stats by granting 30 bonus armor, 50 attack damage, 10 percent cooldown reductions, and 30 magic resistance. The item also has a unique active ability that will allow Urgot to heal back 15 percent of all damage dealt by the champion. Its unique passive will see damage to Urgot stored up to 30 percent, dealing it as damage over time instead. This effect can be enough to help Urgot emerge victorious from combat and heal before his health runs out.

Ninja Tabi

These boots will grant Urgot 20 armor and also the unique ability to block 12 percent of damage taken by basic attacks. On top of this, the boots will grant the 45-bonus movement speed given by most upgraded boots.

Late-game items

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Righteous Glory

Righteous Glory is a fantastic item to compliment the rest of this Urgot build. The item will grant the champion 30 armor, 10-percent cooldown reduction, 400 health, 100-percent health regeneration, and 300 mana. These stats are going to make Urgot more durable but also more lethal as he will deal more damage and have less cooldown on his abilities. The item’s active ability will see him get 75 percent increased movement speed for four seconds. This is going to help him with all mobility, whether it be to pursue or escape enemies.

Frozen Mallet

Chasing down fleeing enemies is one of the areas Urgot is so effective. His ultimate ability paired with the items in this build is going to ensure enemies find it incredibly difficult to get away. The Frozen Mallet has a unique passive that causes Urgot’s basic attacks to apply a 40-percent slow on-hit for 1.5 seconds, which can sometimes be just enough to counter movement speed abilities the enemy might have. The item also offers 30-attack damage and 700 health stat increase.

Guardian Angel

A common item in top lane champions, Guardian Angel will give Urgot a quick way to return to the action after being defeated. The item will restore Urgot on the site he is killed with 50 percent health and mana, allowing him a second opportunity to win the skirmish that led to his demise. The item also grants a stat increase of 40 bonus armor and 45 attack damage.

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