Yesterday’s /dev blog by Riot Am1t brings light onto some work behind the scenes, oriented to improve League of Legends game Client stability, performance, and reliability. This change is currently being tested internally, but the changes are already significant. In this article, we will quickly go by each improvement Riot Games is currently working on and planning in the near future.

Client Cleanup: chromium embedded framework upgrade

Our top priority right now is updating the client’s version of Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF)—the web browser at the heart of the League Client’s architecture.

Riot Am1t

According to Riot, the last CEF update was in November 2019 (version 74). At the time of writing, the latest current version of CEF used internally by Riot’s development team is 91. Updating CEF to version 91 will provide a lot of benefits, from reduced crashes to increased compatibility with newer systems to better responsiveness and more. The blog states that It is the single most impactful individual change the team can make to improve the client.

With the update of the existing web components (“think website tech for video embeds, popup notifications, and whatnot“), Riot is trying to bring the current Client’s features up to date for a smooth transition to the new CEF version for the ordinary League of Legends players. The internal CEF version, according to the article already brings a lot of improvements in memory usage and CPU utilization for the front-end experience of the Client.

The update will be shipped into PBE by early August and hopefully launched on the live servers a few patches afterward. It will be announced in the patch notes.

Other updates

Finally, we have a peek at the much-needed changes to the League of Legends game client and we can’t wait for them to be live in the nearest future.

Check out our recent article regarding Progression Identity changes.

You can read the full article on the official League of Legends website.

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