Forg1ven is taking some time off League

Forg1ven, the current AD Carry for Origen, announced on his twitter profile that he will be out for the rest of 2018 and most of 2019.

He arrived at Origen for the second time at the beginning of April, prior to the start of the European Masters, where he showed consistent performance and proved to be a crucial member for the team for this tournament.

Forg1ven first time in Origen was briefly during the spring and summer of 2016. From there he left for H2K-Gaming where he first started as a substitute for the team, but soon got his spot in the first roster. After he left H2K-Gaming he went to join a team in his native country, Greece – Different Dimension. He only played a few games there, and then disappeared from the competitive scene, until this April, when he joined Origen for the second time.

Now, people on reddit speculate that he has been summoned by the Greek army for his mandatory military service. If this is the case, he will have to serve in the army for 9 months, meaning that we should expect his comeback during next summer. However, many speculate that this will be his final goodbye from the competitive League of Legends scene.



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