Day 1

In the Day 1 of the Mid-Season Invitational we were introduced with the capacities of the 4 teams of group A. The UK Team, Gambit eSports, who came in this competition without any expectations, managed to win all 3 games against their opponents. Even though their victories were not so clean, they have shown that they are capable of higher achievements. Also, their play-style is quite entertaining, with its players taking unorthodox picks. For example, in the last game of Day 1, they took composition consisting Karthus, Jhin, Nocturne and Ornn, four picks that rely on their ultimates. Such a team made them not only win, by win with style. 

Group A Results

Kaos Latin Gamers ( 0 : 1 ) Gambit eSports

Rainbow 7 ( 1 : 0 ) Ascension Gaming

Gambit eSports ( 1 : 0 ) Ascension Gaming 

Rainbow 7 ( 0 : 1 ) Kaos Latin Gamers 

Kaos Latin Gamers ( 1 : 0 ) Ascension Gaming 

Rainbow 7 ( 0 : 1 ) Gambit eSports

Group A Standings

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Highlights of Day 1

Day 2

The day 2 of the MSI Play-Ins was marked by the absolute domination of SuperMassive Esports. Unlike Gambit eSports who struggled in their 3 won games, SuperMassive Esports won theirs with such an ease. It felt like only one team was playing in all three matched that they have played. Their last game was the biggest illustration of their supremacy. Finishing the game in 21 minute with 21 team kills, one team death, three dragons, fast baron and astonishing 17k lead, they’ve shown how good they can play. In anticipation of their next matches in 2 days, we are hoping to see them continue with their outstanding performance.

Group B Results

SuperMassive Esport ( 1 : 0 ) Dire Wolves

KaBuM! e-Sports ( 1 : 0 ) PENTAGRAM

SuperMassive Eposrts ( 1 : 0 ) PENTAGRAM

KaBuM! e-Sports ( 0 : 1 ) Dire Wolves

Dire Wolves ( 1 : 0 ) PENTAGRAM

KaBuM! e-Sports ( 0 : 1 ) SuperMassive Esport

Group B Standings

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Highlights of Day 2

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