The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 11.15 PBE cycle, today’s patch includes continued Dawn of Heroes testing, splash tweaks, and tentative balance changes!

Table of Contents

    TFT Reckoning: Dawn of Heroes Continued Testing

    TFT Balance Changes

    Reckoning: Dawn of Heroes continues testing on the PBE! Here’s the latest changelist from Riot Mort:

    System Changes

    -Slightly lowered the odds of Elusive Emblems appearing on Stage 5 and 6 Carousels 


    -Hand of Justice

    —Increased AD/AP/Heal: 40 >>> 35 

    Radiant Items

    —Ability Power: 100 >>> 110
    —Damage Amp: 20% >>> 35%
    —Damage Amp Above Threshold: 100% >>> 80%
    -Hand of Justice
    —AD/AP/Heal: 40 >>> 35
    -Ionic Spark
    —Mana Ratio Damage: 350% >>> 300%
    —Radiant Bonus – AS: 20% >>> 40% (The buff didn’t go through last time)
    —Team Attack Speed Bonus: 25% >>> 20%

    Chase Traits

    “We’re making sure some of the very difficult to hit Chase traits are worth the payoff for how rare they are. Elusive emblems, Level 9, and other gateways make them difficult to get, so we need to make sure they feel good.”

    —AP & AD: 20/40/70/150 >>> 20/40/70/200
    —Attack Speed: 25/60/120/195% >>> 25/60/120/250%
    —HP Shield: 30/60/100/180% >>> 30/60/100/250%
    —Bonus Damage: 20/30/40/50% >>> 20/30/40/80%
    —Health Shield: 20/40/75% >>> 20/40/100%
    —Starting AP: 25/55/85% >>> 25/55/100%
    —AP per Stack: 2/5/8 >>> 2/5/10


    —Flat HP: 1300/1700/2100 >>> 1200/1700/2100
    —HP per Level: 130/170/210 >>> 120/170/210
    —Damage Amp: 12% >>> 10%
    -Draconic – We’re happy with Draconic 5 being more accessible and fun to play when you hit it, but it’s currently giving a bit too much power across the board when you do. We’re lowering the total power of the trait and units a bit to bring it down to still fun, but fair.
    —Golden Egg Average Value: 8g >>> 7g
    —1, 2, and 3 turns Golden Eggs all reduced in average value. 4 and 5 turn Golden Eggs are untouched.
    -Draconic Champs
    —–Spell Damage: 200/325/650 >>> 200/300/575
    —–Spell Damage: 500/650/7777 >>> 450/650/3333
    -Redeemed – We’re shifting the power away from the traits defenses, as it leads to a binary “feast or famine” versus penetration. We’re putting that power back in the champion’s base stats. This should lead to Redeemed being more playable at different levels in the late game while opening up play against options as well.
    —Armor & MR: 30/50/90 >>> 20/35/75
    —AP: 30/55/90 >>> 30/60/100
    -Redeemed Champs
    —–Armor & MR: 30 >>> 35
    —–HP: 550 >>> 600
    —–HP: 550 >>> 600
    —–HP: 650 >>> 700
    —HP/Mana Regen: 3/6/9% >>> 4/7/10%
    —Time Before Refresh: 4/3/1 >>> 4/2/1 seconds


    —Mana: 0/70 >>> 0/80
    —Mana: 50/100 >>> 75/125
    —Spell Damage: 250/350/500 >>> 200/400/600
    —Spell Healing: 250/350/500 >>> 350/350/350
    —Stun Duration: 1.5/2/2.5 >>> 1.5/2/3 seconds
    —HP: 650 >>> 550
    —Spell Attack Speed: 140/160/180% >>> 125/150/175%
    —Mana: 0/75 >>> 30/90
    —Heal no longer scales with Ability Power
    —Spell Heal: 25/35/60% >>> 35/50/80% of missing Health
    -Aphelios – We like the new direction and we’re going to be keeping it! But the current tuning made AP items the correct itemization instead of AD. In order to keep Aphelios itemization closer to live, we’re shifting his power values. He should be the same on PBE, just better with Deathblade as you’d expect.
    —Spell AD Ratio: 250/275/325% >>> 400/425/500%
    —Base Spell Damage: 250/350/750 >>> 125/150/350
    —AD: 55 >>> 75
    —Mana: 80/160 >>> 70/140
    —Now has a preference to blink toward clusters of enemies within a few hexes of him, and is less easily distracted by an isolated enemy nearby him
    —Spell Damage: 175/250/1000 >>> 200/225/600
    —Spell Duration: 4/4/8 >>> 4/5/6 seconds
    —Spell Heal on Kill: 20/25/50% >>> 25/25/25%
    —HP: 700 >>> 800
    —Spell Base Number of Shot: 16 >>> 18
    —AD: 70 >>> 75
    —Now triggers Runaan’s Hurricane, Titan’s Resolve, and Guinsoo’s Rageblade with each attack while swinging
    —Mana: 40/100 >>> 100/160
    —Spell Damage: 20/25/200% >>> 25/30/200%
    —Spell Shield Percent: 35/45/200% >>> 50/70/200%
    —Spell Shield Duration: 4 >>> 5 seconds
    —Percent Health Damage Per Snip: 5/8/50% >>> 4/7/50%


    -Assassins will now properly jump slightly before other units move
    -Banshee’s Claw and Radiant Banshee’s Claw no longer grant a spell shield when equipped mid-combat (works similarly to other start-of-combat effects like Zeke’s Herald and Chalice)
    -Radiant Zz’Rot no longer spawns a Voidmother if the holder is not in combat
    -Radiant Banshee’s Claw and Radiant Shroud no longer grant their start-of-combat Radiant Bonuses when equipped mid-combat
    -Olaf no longer gains his on-attack heal from Runaan’s Hurricane bolts”


    Sentinel Graves splash art updated, changing his eye color:

    Graves Splash Tweaked

    Sentinel Rengar special border updated, adding missing glow:

    Rengar updated

    Here’s a look at Sentinel Vayne’s special interactions!

    Balance Changes

    To see the balance changes, check out our article about 11.15 Patch Tentative Balance Changes!

    If you’re interested in the upcoming changes to Sona, check out this article.

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