Following a strong 2-0 week after adding Jactroll to its League of Legends lineup, Origen faltered against Vitality today. Vitality, the team that sent Jactroll to Origen, took down their former teammate and ended the new lineup’s recent win streak in the 2020 LEC Summer Split.

After a 40-minute brawl in which Vitality maintained control over the game, they handed their former support his first loss on his new roster.

The MVP award for this game went to Vitality’s new support, Labros “Labrov” Papoutsakis, an LEC rookie who joined Vitality in the offseason.

Origen went for a triple-scaling composition of Gankplank, Corki, and Ezreal. Vitality answered that comp with Azir and Aphelios, two of the best hyper-scaling carries in the game.

After a dominant early game, Vitality picked up objective after objective, leaving no scraps for Origen to take. Even though Origen looked for some gold around the map, Vitality were prepared to fight for every single minion, pushing the top-three LEC team to their limits.

After taking the Infernal Dragon Soul and two Barons, Vitality finished the game with a bloody teamfight. Even though they were far ahead, they still have some issues to work out in terms of finishing the games in which they’re ahead.

Origen now drop to 6-6 in the 2020 LEC Summer Split, while Vitality improve to 5-7. Vitality will face Excel Esports, who are also 5-7, at 10am CT tomorrow. You can tune into the official Riot Games LEC broadcast to see if Vitality will get their first 2-0 week of the Summer Split.

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