100 Thieves Academy will play for tomorrow’s LCS match to give the team extra time to prepare for playoffs. This is also a good opportunity for the Academy team to play on the big stage.

The 100 Thieves Academy roster consists of:

Drafting for the squad tomorrow will be the current Academy Head Coach Goldenglue!

The 100T Academy roster is looking to be one of the best right now, and fans across the world can’t wait to see them perform tomorrow. Many people on Twitter or other social media platforms are especially excited to see Tenacity and Kenvy in LCS. The two up-and-coming players have been doing an amazing job in AM and Academy tournaments.

Earlier today 100 Thieves finished second in the regular season, so the Academy team will replace them in their next match tomorrow in order to better prepare for the playoffs.

They will be playing against Evil Geniuses tomorrow, so we won’t have to wait long to see them in action!

in case you want to read something about the game, here are our articles about 11.16 Patch notes preview and /dev: blog about upcoming champion Vex

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