Froggen is now part of Origen

Former mid laner of NA’s Echo Fox, Froggen, has joined Origen. The team has posted the information on their twitter profile yesterday evening.

Is Origen coming back to the EU LCS?

Origen was created by the ex-star of Fnatic, xPeke, not long after his departure from the team in 2014.  Even though they’ve competed in each season since then, their results were far from great.  Last year, they’ve managed to spectacularly lose every series in the Spring Split, finishing last in their group, with a final result of 0-13.  This meant their demotion from the LCS to the Summer Promotion Tournament, where they played against Misfist Academy and Giants Gaming, losing both series with 0-3. All off this resulted with Origen losing their spot in the LCS Summer Split.

After the disastrous results throughout 2017, they went completely silent.

The silence was broken only recently. First, they’ve signed their new jungler, inSec on March 31. Only couple of days afterwards, on April 3, Alvaro Arbeloa, the former football player of Liverpool and Real Madrid, announced on his twitter profile that he has invested in Origen.

Two days later, G2’s former player Expect joins as their new top laner, followed by the current arrival of Froggen. Despite all these changes, there is still not any official information about Origin’s plans for the future. However, these news sound like they scream Origen’s comeback to the European League Championship Series.

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